Chapt. 20 ~ Charlie Gillespie

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We just came back home and we are about to walk inside but charlie stopped me. "One more thing" Charlie lead me up the roof

"Why are we going up here?" I wondered

"We are going to watch the stars" Charlie helped me up

"Wait really" I said with excitement. Charlie smiled and nodded. I jumped up and down and hugged him

"Don't fall, we are on a roof" Charlie chuckled. I stopped and we both layed down. I cuddled next to him and we watched the stars. We saw a shooting star

"That was beautiful" I looked up. Charlie looked at me and kissed me. I kissed back and it started the heat up, I went on top of him and kept kissing him

*Time skip*

We are in Charlies house right now and I think it's time to give Charlie the bracelets. "Charlie, I am ready to give you the surprise" I called him

"Ooooo ok what is it?" Charlie jumped onto the couch sitting right beside me

"Ok so I saw people selling this and I thought it would be cute if we match" I grab the bag. I took it out of the bag and showed Charlie "These are turtle bracelets. I got you the blue one because you are calm, you are inspirational and you have wisdom and i got the pink one because its cute." I stated. Charlie smiled

"Ness, I love it" he put the bracelet on "Thank you" He kissed me. I smiled and nodded. Charlie grabbed the pink one and put it around my wrist. Charlie looked at me and hugged me "You are absolutely amazing" He kissed me again

"Can we watch a movie?" I asked him

"Of course we can" Charlie cuddled next to me. I snuggled into his chest and we put on a movie from netflix.

*Time skip*

Charlie's POV

The movie just ended and I wanna ask Nessa to be my girlfriend. She is snuggled into my chest looking so cute. "Ness?" I call her

"Mhmmm" She replied

"Can I talk to you about something?" I sat up. She nodded and looked at me "So Ness" I grabbed her hands "You are literally an amazing lady and you are the sweetest person ever, You are beautiful and you always put the people u love in front of you. The first time we met, I couldn't stop thinking about you and when you said yes on that first date, I couldn't believe it. I know it might be early but I had the best days with you and I wanna keep making those days, so Nessa Rose Smith. Will you be my girlfriend" I explained. Her eyes brighten up and she hugged me right away

"Yes yes yes" She stated. I smiled at the way she said yes. I can't believe she said yes. She pulled away from the hug and kissed me "Of course I wanna be your girlfriend" She hugged me again. I stood up and carried her and twirled her around

"Yes I could finally call you mine, babe. Baby, princess, beautiful, cutie, the best girlfriend ever" I stopped twirling her. We looked into each other eyes. I moved her hair out of her ear. I leaned in and kissed her. She put her arms around my neck and kept kissing me.

"Um..." we hear from behind. We pull away from the kiss and look behind us. We see Owen "Omg are u guys together now" Owen waited for an answer. We looked at each other and nodded "Omg no way! Congrats" he came down and hugged me and dabbed up Charlie "Don't hurt her bro, she is a special one" Owen whispered to Charlie

"I will never hurt her Owen" They hugged again

"Let's take the pics for insta" Owen grabbed his camera. Me and Nessa both laughed and we took pictures

The love between us ~ Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now