Chapt. 24 ~ Charlie Gillespie

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It was the next day and Charlie, Owen and Jeremy are planning the proposal for Carolynn. Me and Savannah are at my house right now. "Sav?" i started. She looked up at me "I think I am going to release the song" I told Savannah

"Oh my gosh Ness, that's awesome!" She hugged me. The song wrote a couple months ago, when I wasn't happy, before I met Charlie. I was sad all the time and I hated myself and that was because of Conner. He made my self love go down so I wrote a song to let my feelings out. It is called, still have me.

"Thanks Sav, do you think I could call my manager and talk about it?" I questioned

"Yeah of course. Call him now" She suggested. I nodded and grabbed my phone. I went to my contact list and I started to call Ben my manager.

"Nessa Rose, how are ya?' he started. Me and Savannah giggled

"Hey ben, um I have a question?" I started

"Oki shoot, what is it?" He asked

"Well I wrote a song and it's all produced already and all. Do you think i could release it?" I continued

"Oh hell ya" He replied "What we could do is that we could post on social media about the song and we can pick a release date for the song. Is that cool" Ben suggested

"Yep, when do you want me to start posting about it?" I questioned looking at Savannah

"Hmmm, today after we are done the call and maybe ask your friends and family to promote it for you if that is cool with them" Ben added.

"Ok thanks Ben" I thanked him

"Anytime, i'll see you later" ben stated

"Yep bye" I hung up "So I can add a little clip of the song on insta" I explained

"Omg yeah good idea, I can do the same" Savannah volunteered

"Are you sure?" I asked. She nodded at me with a smile "Thanks sav" I thanked her

"Of course" She smiled

The love between us ~ Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now