Chapt. 25 ~ Charlie Gillespie

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*Two days later*

It has been two days and the song released, we all already celebrated that and now we are getting ready for jeremy's proposal to one of my besties Carolynn. I am so excited for them

'I am so excited for you Jer" I started.

"I can't wait, you guys are so cute" Savannah added

"Thanks girls for planning and getting everything ready in the back and thank you Owen and Charlie for helping me find the ring and getting the stuff with me" Jeremy looked at us

"Of course Jer"

"You are so welcome"

"Yeahh ofc"

"No problem" We all stated

"Ok so it time for me and Savannah to pick up Carolynn and we will bring her here and tell her something about going to the backyard. Haven't thought of that but we will on our way to pick her up. But anyways, we made it to the backyard and the rest is on you Jer" I hugged all the guys. I hugged Owen and Jeremy and now i am with Charlie. I smiled and hugged him "you smell good babe" I sniffed him again

"Yess finally you smelled me. I got a cologne when I was with Jeremy and Owen shopping for rings and I put it on to see if you will realize and you did" Charlie put his hands on my face. "Drive safe and text me when you are there ok?" Charlie stated. I nodded and hugged him again

"Yep, see you guys" I waved to the guys and kissed Charlie. I started walking but Charlie turned me around again and kissed me passionately.

"I needed another kiss" Charlie put his hands on my waist. I smiled and kissed him again

"Bye baby" I kissed his cheek and me and Sav left the house.

I was the one driving so I adjusted everything and drove off to see Carolynn. Savannah grabbed her phone and texted Carolynn telling her were on our way

*Time skip*

We made it to Carolynn's house. We saw her waiting outside already and she went inside. "Hey guys" She stated

"Hey Carooo" I hugged her while we were in the car. Sav and Carolynn hugged

"Car, sit in the front we are doing a vid and it's your turn" Savannah smiled

"Are you sure?" Carolynn asked. We both nodded and she took the seat.

"Hey guys we are now with Carolynn and we are going back to my house and we will see the guys" I stated. Carolynn waved to the camera and I started to drive off again. 

The love between us ~ Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now