Fight pt. 2

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fight pt. 2 


3rd person POV


It had been 2 days since Karl had had his fight with quackity and sapnap. He hadn't slept at all, which made George worried. He had been staying with George but he wasn't he normal self. He felt so sad that he had pushed his fiances away from his life. It was finally the day he was going back to their shared house, and to say the least Karl was nervous. What if they didn't want him back? What if the had another fight? What if they kicked him out? What if  what if  what if- He shook these thoughts out of his head as he and George were loading his stuff into his car. He soon said goodbye to George. "Text me if you need anything, okay?" "I will, thanks George." Karl pulled out of the driveway, and started the drive home. It wasn't very far, maybe 20 minutes at most. He put the radio on to make it less quiet, but he wasn't paying attention to the music. He was paying attention to what would go down once he got to his destination.

Time skip to when he gets home

Karls pov

I nervously turn off the car, and walk to the front door. I take the key out of my pocket and put it in the keyhole. I open the door softly, incase they were still sleeping. But, I found something much different.  I saw the two boys sitting at the counter, just talking amongst themselves. I hadn't answered any of their texts or calls, so I could have 2 days to myself. Both of them didn't even notice that 8 had come home, some when I wrapped my arms around Alex's torso he jumped a bit. "Karl! Your home! We thought you weren't going to come home!" Alex said, happy that I was home. Sapnap came over to where Alex had moved us towards the front door. He kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms around me while my hands were around  Alex's. " I'm so so sorry, I didn't mean what I said." Nick said, voice muffled by my purple sweater. "Its okay, if anything I should be the one apologizing. I haven't been here as much I should." I said back, happily content with the two loves of my life.

We decided that we could get my stuff later, but we just needed to be with each other. It was obvious that none of us slept without the others around. We all snuggled up on the couch together, with Alex on my lap with me stroking his hair. Sapnap was on one side of me, with his head on my shoulder. They both started to fall asleep with me there, but so did I. I was almost asleep when two thoughts entered my head.

This is where I'm meant to be.


Do they even care about me?

Sapnaps pov

I was asleep for the first time in days when suddenly I'm woken up by movement. I realize Alex is asleep on the couch, not on Karl's lap anymore, but also Karl isn't around. I hear quiet cries coming from the bathroom and recognize them as Karl's cries. I immediately get up, not caring if I wake up Alex. I go to the bathroom door and try to open it.

'Shit,' I thought to myself.

'It's locked.'

I start to go into panic mode as I realize its locked. I try to persuade Karl to unlock the door. "Karl please open the door, please, I just want it make sure your okay." I don't get an answer, just more cries. By now Alex is at the door and fully awake, also in panic mode. He somehow gets Karl to open the door. As soon as the lock is undone, we both go straight in the room and straight into a hug. He's sitting on the floor, crying and huddled up in the corner. We somehow calm him down. He falls asleep after a couple of minutes of love and hugs. We carefully pick him up bridal style and take him to our shared room. We had been having really hot nights the past couple days, so we changed him into a pair of sweatpants and one of my short sleeve shirts. He never wore short sleeves, and I wondered why. I had always assumed he just was more comfortable that way, but now I was just confused. When I picked him back up to put him in bed, I looked closely at his wrists.

Oh no.

I see scars. Ones that couldn't be natural. Ones made by a sharp object. A blade.

I notice Alex looking at them too, then he looks up at me with tears in his eyes. I look up at him, tears in the back of my eyes as well.

How long has this been going on? Who knows what he could be doing to himself. We put him to bed and smother him in kisses and hugs. We decide we would talk to him in the morning. We both knew it wasn't going to be a happy conversation, but we knew it had it happen. It was inevitable. But for now the best we could do for him now was be there for him.

Georges pov

I went by their house today just to make sure they made up.  I was happy when I saw the three of them asleep on the couch together. I was about to leave when I heard cries coming from inside and people trying to comfort someone. I go around to the side of the house and hear someone comforting Karl. My heart drops when I remember the days that he would harm himself. He had even did it when he was at my house this weekend. He made me promise not to tell them. I said I wouldn't, but I want him to be safe. He's one of my best friends after all. I can't just stand by and let him hurt himself. I hear them walking somewhere, probably to their bedroom to put him to sleep. I knew sapnap would put him in a t-shirt, so I left, not wanting to see or hear their reactions to the cuts. I went back to my car as fast as possible and went straight to dream's house.

What a fun talk we would have when I would have to tell them what was happening to Karl.

It hurt me knowing he would eventually forget them both completely. (I'LL GET THIS OUT SOON I PROMISE PLEASE I SWEAR)

1050 words.

A/n: I am currently in a fucked place called car so if my writing is shit don't come for me. Also, if you read this with an account, please don't be a silent reader. I want your guys' feedback! I want to hear if you like it or not, so I can make something that people enjoy. If I'm updating this all today its bc I have nothing else to do. Bye !

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