He's.... Gone? (Dreamnotfound)

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He's.... Gone?  (Dreamnotfound)


(Based off the photo at the top.)

3rd person POV

George rested his fingertips on the steering wheel, curling and uncurling a hand around the worn leather. He couldn't stand being in his house, being in that bedroom that he used to share with him. So he'd gotten into his car, though there wasn't anywhere he could go. He couldn't run from his problems.His right hand clutched a crumpled piece of paper, a stupid ink-blotted page stained with his tears. He knew he needed to stop, but he couldn't help himself from reading it. He choked out a sob at the messy handwriting, the scrawl he'd become so ungratefully familiar to and had taken for granted.

            George, I'm so sorry. I'm so fucking sorry, but you're better off without me. I know this is a shit excuse for a goodbye, but I couldn't bring myself to put you through any more pain, and it's probably better you don't see me anyway. I know you probably hate me for this, but I had to do it. I'm leaving. I don't know where I'm going, but I'm driving as far away as I can. I just can't handle it anymore--there's too many bad memories. Every mistake I've made hangs on every corner of this stupid town, and I'm only reminded of them every time I step foot outside our house. You need to live your life, George. You don't need me, and you're much better off without me. It hurts to let you go, but you're better off not dealing with my shit. As much as we tried, you know this never would've worked in the long run. We were destined to fall apart. I love you George, and I'll love you for the rest of my life. Maybe I'll see you in another life. Maybe we'll work out then. I hope so. Love, Dream

 George screamed. He screamed, and he screamed, and he sobbed until his throat was raw. "HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME?" he cried into an empty car, banging his fist on the dashboard. It hurt, but all he could feel was the burning pain in his chest, like someone was stabbing a thousand knives into his heart. He never thought emotional pain could be physical, but his lungs hurt like he'd been breathing frigid air, needles of ice scraping against his chest. His heart ached so badly.

 Every nerve in his body was on fucking fire, and it was all because of Dream. Dream, his boyfriend of a year and a half. A year and a half of smiles and kisses and sunsets and cuddles, of fights and tears and yells. Murmured apologies and i'm sorry kisses and hand squeezes, tickles and pinches and passionate nights he'd hoped would never end. A year and a half all gone, because this time Dream wasn't coming back. 

And the worst part of it all was that Dream was right. They never would've worked out. Both of them were too broken to work, their pieces too jaded to fit together. No amount of love or lust could fill the cracks that trauma had made. George dropped his head on the steering wheel and wept.

George's POV


'You fucked up everything, just like always.'

'Way to go George, you didn't care enough about your boyfriend so he left you and went away.'

'it's all your fault. it's always your fault.'

"s-STOP! *sob* P-PLEASE STOP!" I screamed, out of pure agony. I don't want to listen to the voices, but it seems like they won't stop until I accept what they're saying. I can't believe it, but it has to be done. How can I live without him. I can't continue on without him. I drive to the nearest cliff, although it was hard to see with so many tears in my eyes.

haha get cliffhanger noob

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