Fresh Faces

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Three young girls sculk around the dark alleyways of London city, avoiding the streetlights and moving cars, all desperate to get home. The leader of the group walks towards the street, her blonde hair streaked with aqua flowing down her back. The other two hold back waiting for the command, one of them has slate blueish-gray skin with purple markings that are visible underneath the cutouts in her clothes and on her face, as well as white hair with deep purple tips in her side fringe and at the end of her long high ponytail. The other has dark hair with purple streaks throughout, with some sections loosely braided. The light haired one stares after their leader with piercing red eyes, eager to move on.

The leader of the trio was busy analysing the possible ways to sneak across the street undetected. She quickly scraps the idea of running straight across the streets, someone will see them due to the street lights and thats when it hit her. They will have to make their way over the street using the tall lights, that way no one will see them as the only light source was below them. She quickly motions for the girls to follow her, grabbing the railing to the outdoor fire escape steps that went the entire way up the building. She hauled herself up onto the railing and as quickly and as light as a cat she pounced upwards onto the next railing. Although this way there was more chance of injury if any of them fell, this was a lot quieter and faster than walking up the steps. 

The other two girls quickly follow suit and silently make their way up to the top of the apartment building. Once there, the trio silently run over to the edge and without warning the leader of the trio leaps off the edge of the building and perfectly lands on top of the street lamp which shook slightly. Behind her she could hear the red eyed girl mutter to the other, "She's totally crazy." To which the other replies, "She may be crazy but she knows what she's doing." By this time the leader was preparing for the massive leap across the four laned road. She knows she can make it, for she is much stronger than the average human. Her legs spring into action and launch her across the street but instead of landing on the top of the light pole, she grabs onto the pole and swings around the pole once before letting go and gracefully landing behind a bush. 

After the other two catch up, the trio head towards the London Bridge, creeping along behind the bushes. When they reach the North end of the London Bridge, they climb down into the water below and wade through the water, their black cloaks flowing behind them, until they find what they are looking for, the entrance to the Draugr lair. The lair is well hidden behind rocks and weeds but once they are moved the entrance is a medium sized tunnel that leads slightly downward. The leader of the trio swiftly looks up after feeling a pair of eyes staring at her but sees nothing. Deciding to ignore her feeling, she swallows down the lump in her troat and slides down the tunnel into a dimly lit cave. The other two follow her shortly after, their eyes adjusting quickly to the dim lighting. With a swift hand signal from their leader, the girls make their way deeper into the cave.

The girls round a corner and find what they were looking for, the Draugr that attacked a Nymph child the morning just past. The leader of the trio counted a total of 10 Draugr, an uncommon number for them to be grouped. Usually Draugr stayed in groups of 50 because unlike other water spirits, they may be larger than a human by a foot, they lacked in all areas, sight, sound, smell, touch. A larger group usually ensured their survival should anything attack. Cautiously stepping out from the shadows the trio silently made their way around the cavern swiftly killing off the 10 Draugr. 

"Well that was easier then I thought!" the red eyed girl states.

"Hush Armina, there may be more of them." the dark haired one whispers.

"Peyton's right, its not like Draugr to be in groups less then 50," the leader of the trio agrees, "we all knew this was going to be a challenge but this way to easy." As if on cue 40 odd Draugr leap down from above them and attack. The leader pulls out a  curved blade and instantly slices a Draugr's head clean off. She makes her way through a dozen Draugr before checking over her shoulder to make sure that Peyton and Armina were handling themselves. By this time Armina had taken down seven Draugr using a double edged sword with a handle in the middle. Peyton on the other hand was using a large steel boomerang, her gloves protecting her hands. She soon is surrounded by 5 Draugr and lets her boomerang fly. It hits each target, slicing its head off as though it were cutting a cake. However, both Peyton and Armina were subdued and lay in a heap on the cold stone. The leader was left to face twenty odd snarling Draugr. The girl mentally calculates the number of knives that she has on her and comes to 19. Swivelling around with ferocity but also a gracefullness, looking at each hideous monster, one at a time, picking up little things like their, stance, build or any physical signs of weakness.

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