Missing Links

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Despite what both Sera and Jenkins had told him about Deric Alpensoar and his death, Nate was still curious as to why the Nymphs were talking about him and how he was responsible for the recent goings on. So he decided to do some digging without Sera or Jenkins knowing so he went to first person who came to mind, Peyton.

Its been three days since the patrol and Nate decides that now is the right time to ask Peyton to take him down to their Vault so that he could look at Deric Alpensoar's file as the subject would be the last thing people would be talking about. So Nate makes sure the coast is clear before walking one door down to Peyton's bedroom and knocks on the door.

"One second!" Peyton's voice calls through the door. A few seconds later the door swings open and Peyton is standing there in her casual wear. She looks so different from the first time he had seen her, instead of her battle gear she is simply wearing a coffee coloured sweater, a pair of jeans and dark brown, calf high leather boots. Her dark hair was braided to the side, the ends a deep purple. She looked quite pretty but was nothing in comparison to Sera. He much preferred Seraphina's grey eyes to Peyton's chocolate brown eyes but he knew that Naois likes brown eyes on girls.

Naois had spoken about Peyton a lot, for him at least. In all the time that Nate has known Naois, he has never once talked about a girl the way he talks about Peyton. Usually, the only time Naois talks about a girl is whether or not she is a good kisser or what he thinks she would be like in bed. Back in Boston Naois was a bit of a ladies man, all of the girls wanted him, wanted him to be theirs but Nate knew that there was no chance of that ever happening. Naois wasn't one to stick to one girl for longer than two weeks. One time Naois and this brunette were hooking up for a month and Nate thought it was a miracle. However, like all of Naois' 'relationships' it ended with a girl in tears.

Looking at Peyton now, he makes a silent wish that he will never have to witness this girl heartbroken by Naois. She seems too sweet and too caring, which also makes Nate wonder how on Earth Peyton and Sera are such close friends. Peyton was a quiet stream of water while Sera was a volcanic explosion. The two were polar opposites but somehow they were friends. I guess it was slightly similar to himself and Naois. Both Nate and Naois had become friends after Naios was boarded into Nate's room. The two took several months to actually become friends. Nate had found Naois incredibly frustrating and idiotic. It wasn't until Nate had kicked his ass in a training session that Naois properly spoke to him. He wanted to know if he could show him the move that Nate had done to take him down. Nate agreed and while hanging out in the training room after hours the two become close friends.

"Is there something I can help you with Nate?" Peyton asks.

"Uh, yeah, I was just wondering if I could speak to you in private." Nate says.

"There's no one around."

"Yeah but I don't want anyone knowing what I'm about to ask you."

"Okay?" Peyton replies in a questioning tone, "Come on in." Peyton steps aside and motions for Nate to enter. Peyton closes the door behind him and says, "Have a seat." motioning towards the two big armchairs in front of the center window. Peyton's room is almost exactly like his own, except the colour palette was very different. Her curtains were a cream coloured silk, her bedspread looks like they are made out of a light brown, soft material and she also has a wide array of cushions in various shades of cream, white and brown. The armchairs themselves are a tan colour made out of a velvety material with mahogany legs.

"What do want to know?" Peyton asks.

"I want to know if you'd help me get into your Vault, I need to look up something. I think it might be important." Nate replies.

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