The Fall of Frieza

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The sayains are one of the strongest and most formidable races in the 12 universes. They lived on Planet Vegeta, ruled by the great King Vegeta, whose power level is 10,000. But their greatest threat, Frieza had almost wiped out their entire race multiple times. The sayains had decided it was finally time to fire back, the next time Frieza came around, he came alone, that was a mistake, a fatal mistake, they retaliated. King Vegeta gathered the strongest warriors of the race, including Bardock and the King himself. Bardock fired his Power Ball attack while King Vegeta fired his Explosion Wave, everyone else was engaging in hand-to-hand combat, it almost killed him, but he had a trick up his sleeve, he transformed into his final form and attacked them all, in one blow he had nearly wiped out one third of the entire legion. King Vegeta realized he had to step it up, he gave the signal for everyone to fire their strongest moves. King Vegeta sent out his Super Explosion Wave, Bardock used his Final Flash. It looked like the end. King Vegeta told the army to stand back, he went to check out Frieza, his body was in pieces, they had won! They celebrated with a huge feast later that night. The sayains had escaped their near genocide!

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