Chapter 4

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***It's pretty short, but here ya go. I'm sorry I haven't updated this in so long. Truth be told I forgot about this account pffttt***

"Brendon? BRENDON!"

Jon waved his hand infront of Brendon's face, causing Brendon to almost spill beer down his shirt.

"Fuck you Jon, I almost dropped my beer." He scrunched up his face in a scowl, red hot lava ants fuming his cheeks with fire.

"Well sorry." Jon chuckles, putting his jacket on the seat next to Brendon, "I was trying to tell you that I was going to go over to meet my date, but you were zoning out."

Brendon flushed, turning his head to the side, "Sorry. I was just thinking."

Jon casted an amused glance Brendon's way, raising a brow, "Oh? About what?"

Brendon's face sparked cinder as he covered his face with his free hand, "It's nothing. Don't worry about it."

"Mhmm." Jon rolled his eyes and placed a hand on his friend's shoulder, "Well I'm off. If you want to join us later, you can. Spencer's friend, I think his name is Ryan, is also over with Spencer so you won't feel like a third wheel of you decide to join. Later!"

With that Jon popped a mint in his mouth and strode over to Spencer, who greeted Jon with a big, sloppy drunken kiss.

Brendon's ears had perked up at the mention of Ryan. So that sexy stranger is friends with Jon's date? Brendon glances their way and catches Ryan's side view. He's laughing at something that was just said and is leaning back in his chair. His hand left hand is slung to the side, sporting a dozen rings that only add to the appeal of his outfit. His hair is messily toppled with a messy grin to match, white teeth, pink lips, and a black v-neck shirt with a pair of darker, tight maroon skinny jeans. Not only that, but an earring dangled in his ear with a charm in the shape of a cresent moon. Ryan tossed his eyes to the side and catches Brendon's gaze. His laughter turns to a sly smirk, eye traveling to land on Brendon's jeans, and then his lips, the smirk dangling with want and lust. He then winks at Brendon, causing a thousand shades of roses to land on Brendon's cheeks.

Brendon grumbles and huffy his gaze to the side, not wanting to interact with that handsome man any longer. One more look and temptation might take over, and Brendon can't let that happen. He can't do that to Sarah. Not when he has three kids on the line! He already feels guilty as is by letting Ryan his on his lap. He doesn't want to add to that immense, gnawing guilt by going any further with the man! Still, temptation is at its best, and Brendon can feel himself getting more turned on by the mere thought of Ryan pining his against the wall, of his mouth on Brendon's dick, of his tongue licking up the shaft--ugh! Brendon can't take this anymore. He decides to relieve his hard on by going to the bathroom and having a quick jerk off secession. Nothing can go wrong by just THINKING about it, right? Well, little does Brendon know who'll follow him to the bathroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2023 ⏰

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