Chapter 1

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Brendon sat slumped, a half glass empty of whiskey infront of him, hardly able to control the shaking of his leg. Yes, he was nervous, but Brendon had every right to be. Jon still hasn't shown up, even though he promised to be here an hour earlier. Checking his phone one last time (no text messages received), he decided to just deal with the fact that Jon stood him up.

Brendon was furious, and as he ordered another beer he shook his head and decided to text Sarah. Brendon wasn't gay. He has a wife back at home, and two kids, a third on the way.

Sarah was at the house, sleeping off a headache, probably still craving an array of different foods even though sleep is the shadow by her side. Sarah was like that the last two pregnancies, always craving food and thinking she was fat when she stood infront of the mirror the next morning.

Brendon nonetheless, always assured his wife that she was beautiful. He even gave a stern talking to his two young boys about how they should always tell their mother that she's beautiful, no matter what.

But Chad complained. He said that he didn't want to call his mom beautiful, or any girl beautiful for that matter. He claimed that it was yucky. Chad is seven going on eight, and he wanted nothing to do with girls. Too bad for him that he would soon end up with a sister.

Tyson, the youngest son, was quite different than his older brother. He loved his mommy, and he wanted to do anything to make her happy. He secretly hoped for a sister, but he wouldn't dare say that to Chad. Tyson would grow up to be a great big brother.

So now Brendon sat, his foot tapping the ground rather vigorously. He was so focused on himself, his mind nonstop wandering to how this night was for Jon, since Jon recently came out to Brendon. Brendon wanted to find his best buddy a boyfriend, so he told him to meet Brendon at the bar. Jon was so excited for this night, so Brendon was surprised that he didn't show.

Yet Brendon was so focused on himself however, that he didn't notice a pair of eyes across the bar, slyly checking him out.

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