Chapter 2

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Ryan sat upright, only half listening to what his best friend, Spencer Smith, was saying. He came to this gay bar to hook up with someone, not to hear Spencer talking his ear off about a new boy toy he met last night.

The guy's name is Jon something (Ryan didn't bother to listen to his last name) and they were supposed to meet up at this bar to "have some fun" as Spencer put it. Ryan only rolled his eyes at this.

Spencer has a new boy every week, and Ryan didn't expect this new guy to last long. His last boyfriend, or rather fuck buddy, was with a dude named Dallon Weekes. Ryan only remembers that guys name because he was utterly gorgeous. Short black hair always styled, and how he wore those tight business suits for his job as a lawyer--oh by god he was such a piece of eye candy.

Ryan couldn't resist Dallon's sexy demeanor, and how he could charm Ryan into grasping at every word that slid out of his perfect lips. Those two weeks Ryan have hooked up a few times with Mr. Perfect. He'd never tell Spencer though. Wasn't that breaking some kind of bro code?

Forget it. That's not important. Right now, Ryan's attention was else where. Ryan was eyeing up a new guy. The handsomd stranger was slim, handsome, and looked as if he had a lot of money.  His thick midnight hair stuck up in a perfect arch, his skin bronze and warm from the sun.

This perfect man was just staring at his phone. He looked annoyed, frustrated even, and that was a turn on for Ryan. He loved rough, hot, angry sex. He loved to have his hair tugged, arms tied up, while being slapped by strong, causoulsed hands as the perfect someone called him a slut over and over--

Crap! The guy was leaving! Panic(!) ran through his eyes, burrowing into his pupils. Ryan had to do something fast....

"Hey Spence, I gotta go. Be right back!"

Ryan stood up in his seat, tossing aside Spencer's angry looks and yelps of protests. He quickly gulped his half glass full of whiskey, and walked towards the handsome stranger.

I had no idea how to end it. Sorry it's so bad!

A Night At The Bar//RydenWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt