Chapter 3

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Brendon looked at his watch, irritated at Jon. How could he stand him up like his? Grumbling to himself he drinks the remaining of his beer, deciding to call the bartender over to order something...stronger.

"Hey there sexy stranger."

Brendon glanced up, irritation still galloping through his mind like an allstar racing horse, it's mane gloriously glistening, gallantly as irritation gulps another gulpful of air to start anew.

Brendon didn't want anyone bothering him, let alone a gay man. It's not that he hates gay people, I mean obviously that isn't so if he's best friends with a gay man, but right now Brendon was pissed. And when Brendon was pissed, he could be pretty snappy.

"Go away. I have a wife and kids." Brendon grumbled, advoiding the rather handsome man's eyes.

That's the only thing Brendon was willing to admit; the man was handsome. Deep, warm, eyes of curiosity eyeing Brendon, those very eyes traveling up from his toes all the way to his hair, only stopping a few thousand times to land on his lips....and the growing burden in the man's jeans....

Yes Brendon had a hard on. He didn't know why, but shook his head as more annoyance drifted in an out of his furiating consciousness. Not only had Jon stood him up, but Brendon had to get an erection. This night was just getting better and better.

"Oh? Do you now?" The handsome stranger smirked at Brendon, biting his bottom lip, "Because from that...problem you have in your pants, it doesn't seem like you enjoy her that much, does it?"

Brandon's eyes grew like the Grinch's heart at the end of the treacherous tale. Who is this man, and how could he say such a thing?!

"I enjoy her just fine." Brendon spat, "And my kids are lovely."

"I never said they weren't." The hottie winked, striding over to Brendon and taking a seat right on the now flustered man's lap, "So, tell me about yourself cutie. Well, besides your wife and kids that is. What brought you here on this fine night?"

"That's none of your business." Growled Beebo, yet not bothering to push the stranger off his lap. Brendon then mentally cursed himself as his dick throbbed beneath the man's touch.

But why?..Why was he hard over a ma--? No! He was only hard because of the friction in his jeans. That's it! The man was putting too much pressure on Brendon's pants, and that's why his dick sprung to life like some sort of dick in a box. That's a perfectly good explanation. Right?...

"Well, maybe we could talk less and get more to, you know, getting to know more about our bodies." The man then leans down to kiss Brendon--KISS HIM!

Brendon quickly swatted the man away, putting a hand up so all the guy got to kiss was a sweaty palm. He then pushed the man off his lap, scowling at the stranger.

"I'm straight." Brendon glared, "Not to mention I have a WIFE."

The man laughed, leaning against the counter and giving Brendon a, 'seriously?' look, "Don't try to deny that you felt nothing. I don't like liars."

"I'm not lying." Brendon scoffed, "So quit looking at me like that and leave me the hell alone."

"Well that's not what your dick is saying." The man then extended a hand, "I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Ryan."

Brendon rolled his eyes, "So you try to kiss me, yet you don't even tell me your name first?"

"Oooo! Looks like someone wanted to know who the knight in shining armor is!" The smug look never left Ryan's side.

"I have a wife." Brendon barked. All bark and no bite.

"So?" Ryan purred, "Doesn't mean you like her."

"I could be bi." Brendon muttered to himself.

But Ryan heared, his ears perking up like a dog's, "I thought you said you were straight."

Brendan's face lit fire, "I am straight! I never said I wasn't!"

Ryan laughed and pinched Brendon's cheek, "Ok sureeee. Whatever you say babyboy."

Crimson sparked as Brendon hid his face with his hands, "Don't call me that."

"Well." Ryan wrapped an arm around Brendon, "How about kitten? Or are you a top? I'd really like the nickname master for you."

Brendon grew 50 shades darker, "I have a name you know. It's Brendon."

"Well Brendon, I'm going to go back to my friend. His date should be coming soon and he wants me to meet him."

Brendon felt his face drop, yet he replaced that emotion with a scowl, "Whatever."

"So." Ryan lifted up Brendon's chin, "If you want to have a little fun, just call my name and I'll be there."

With that Ryan walked away, leaving Brendon with a racing heart and tingles all over.

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