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~~Philia - Affectionate love; A love that runs deep in true friendships~~

"Hey, is this seat taken?"

Jaemin looks up to an unfamiliar face.

"Uh no, you can sit," he smiled.

"Thanks," the unknown boy slides into the seat beside him, moving his bag next to the desk and pulling out his laptop, Jaemin watching in awe at how swiftly the boy moves.

"Choi Jisu"


"Choi Jongho"


"Hwang Hyunjin."


Jaemin slouched down in his chair, staring out the window as he waited for his name. He tilted his head back, wondering why the leaves looked so bright and lively so early in the year. Early February, yet the leaves were already growing back in their various shades of greens, the colours subtly returning to the buds.

"Na Jaemin."

Jaemin looked up, "here."

That's all the attention he had to give for the rest of the class as far as he was concerned. He'll just get the notes online later when he wasn't as brain dead.

Jaemin let out a long sigh. The day had just started and it still felt too long. Glancing up at the clock was useless if it was only the first period, yet it didn't stop him checking every few minutes, hoping miraculously after 10 seconds of daydreaming the bell would go.

Jaemin rolled his head, staring up at the clock.


Only 15 minutes had passed, yet it felt like an eternity. The cold seeping in from the old window beside him, the rotting edging not helping. Jaemin shifted slightly in his seat, flicking the pen back and forth on his book.

"I'm sorry for bothering you again," the boy speaks up again, snapping Jaemin out of his thoughts, "but can I have your notes? I'm like new new so-"

"Yeah, it's fine," Jaemin smiles, pushing his laptop toward the boy and scrolling up to make it easier.

"Thank you," the boy smiled back, his eyes turning to crescents.

"You have a very pretty smile," Jaemin wanted to say. Because it was. It was gorgeous. The kind of smile that embeds itself into your mind on first glance. But he held his tongue, turning back to the board. He didn't want it to be taken the wrong way. Especially towards the new kid.

The boy giggled beside him. Jaemin turned his head, frowning slightly. Watching the boy chuckle to himself, Jaemin raised an eyebrow. The boy turned his head toward Jaemin and leaned forward.

"I think you have a very pretty smile too, Na Jaemin."

"What's your name again? I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention."

"Lee Jeno."

"Well, nice to meet you Lee Jeno."

Jaemin offered a hand along with a smile, the boy, Jeno, taking it gratefully with a smile of his own. His very pretty smile.


"Is this seat also taken?"

Jaemin giggled, placing his food down and turning his attention to that familiar smile.

"Is that like a pick up line now?"

Jeno chuckled, swiftly sitting beside the blue haired boy. "Would you hate me if it was?"

"No, but I'd suggest getting more lines."

Jeno frowned for a moment in thought, Jaemin smiling softly at the boy.

"Shall I compare thee to summers day?"

"You can't just steal from Shakespeare."

"What, you egg!"

Jaemin covered his face as he laughed, Jeno laughing along and leaning his head on to Jaemin's head. A warm feeling creeped through Jaemin's skin into his chest as they laughed together.

A nice feeling.

A feeling he'd love to get used to.

"Lee Jeno? Can we be friends?"

Jeno smiled, ruffling his hair.

"Of course, Na Jaemin, I would love nothing more."



Jaemin sprinted down the hall to catch up with his friend. The older boy paused hearing his name, a smile creeping on his face as he turned around.

Jaemin caught up to Jeno, smiling widely at him as he slung his arm around his friend's shoulder.

"Yes, Nana, what's wrong."

"I need your notes again."

Jeno's smile dropped, sighing quietly to himself as they walked.

"Nana, how many times are yo-"

Jaemin closed his eyes tightly, hugging Jeno's side with the same amount of force. A common occurrence for the both of them these days, Jaemin stealing notes from Jeno for almost a full school year.



"I have so much life."


"I have no time for such mortal things."


"And I have been your best friend for like 9 months."


"Which is like three whole trimesters, the child is born."


"So plea-"

Jeno sighed loudly, turning to his friend.

"Yes, idiot, I'll give you the work, just shut up."

Jaemin broke out into a full grin as Jeno swung his bag around from his back, the swiftness of his movements still something he gawked at, yet he understood better. As the elder began digging around the lost caverns of his bag, Jaemin took the opportunity to cling on to his friend's arm, swinging back and forth as he thanked him over and over.

"Yeah yeah, Nana, just return it when you're done."


Jaemin smacked his lips against Jeno's cheek before hugging him tightly, ignoring his irregular heart rate. Jeno smiled, ruffling the boy's hair briefly before Jaemin dashed off to the library.

Jeno watched the younger bumping into his schoolmates and mumbling apologies as he ran, his lips tilting up.

Jeno shook his head, hiking his bag up more on to his shoulder as the blood raced up to his cheeks and ears.

"A very pretty smile for a very pretty boy."

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