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~~Agape - Selfless love; an empathetic attitude of love for everyone and anyone~~

"You two are gross," Donghyuck stabbed his chopsticks into one of the rice cakes of his tteokbokki, "like actually I'm gonna throw up."

Jaemin and Jeno simultaneously looked up with confused frowns plastered on their faces. "We haven't done anything." "What?"

Which was true, surprisingly. Both were calmly eating and listening to the various conversations around them, everyone's voices buzzing in harmony around their little bubble.

"Donghyuck, we have no idea what you're talking about."

"He's just upset that Mark isn't giving him affection right now," Chenle laughed, snuggling into Jisung's chest.

Donghyuck spluttered, frivolously attempting to justify himself, having no answer.

Jeno turned his head, looking with loving eyes as Jaemin giggled at Donghyuck's failed explanation.

"Ah, Nono," Jaemin looked at Jeno, smirking when he caught the boy staring. Jeno flushed slightly, but smiled nevertheless. No point hiding away from his boyfriend.

"Yeah, Minnie."

"Can you get me-"

"The choco milk, yeah don't worry."

Jeno stood up from his seat as Jaemin broke out in a large grin, thanking the elder.

"How did he know?" Renjun's eyes followed Jeno's back for a moment before flickering back to Jaemin, the younger stabbing at his food with his chopsticks.

Jaemin laughed, smiling softly to himself. He was really lucky to have someone like Jeno, a person who knows him enough to basically read his mind. He liked how they could bounce off of each other and lean on one another. A perfectly balanced give and take relationship.

Jaemin fiddled with his anniversary gift from Jeno. A thin silver chain bracelet with two rings interlocked as the charm, which Jeno had the matching necklace to. A mark of six years together and something he never left home without.

"I told you," Jeno spoke, sliding the carton toward Jaemin, "you'd regret not buying it the first time."

"But you know I really don't like milk."

"We both know that completely goes away in the presence of chocolate."

Jaemin giggled, thanking Jeno and gratefully taking the carton.

"Well it's better than coffee."

"I don't drink that much anymore."

"Still tastes like burnt rubber."

Jaemin frowned to suppress a smile, lightly punching his lover's arm.

"Gosh I wish I wasn't this lonely," Renjun groaned, letting his head fall to the table.

"What about Yangyang hyung," Jisung asked, carding his fingers through Chenle's hair.

"He's not here right now, now is he," Renjun snapped, cheeks gradually dusting red.

Donghyuck smirked, "so the date went well I assume."

"Shut up."

As the rest of the boys bickered and bantered at the table, Jeno let his head fall onto Jaemin's shoulder, lacing their fingers together under the table. Jaemin smiled softly to himself, pressing a small kiss into the elder's hair before nuzzling into it.

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