Defending Sayaka Maizono *DANGANRONPA THH SPOILERS*

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I might make this a series for characters that get a lot of unneeded hate from their fandom.

You know the drill! Spoilers for Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc. Please either play the game or watch the playthrough. It's worth it, trust me.

Okay, so, let's talk about Sayaka Maizono. From what I've seen, she's kinda a controversial character in the DR fandom, and lots of people hate her because of her betrayal and because she's the reason for Leon's execution.

I don't know about you, but I think the hate for Sayaka is a tad bit undeserved. I'll list some of my reasons why.

Also, please don't accuse me of hating Leon because I don't really have an opinion on either him or Sayaka.

So, some people hate Sayaka because of her betrayal. See, Sayaka had done what she did because of the video Monokuma gave her. When she saw all her friends be in possible danger and that everything she worked so hard for is gone, she was really worried, and wanted to leave so badly to check on her friends and her career. Could you blame her?

Other people hate her because she tried to kill Leon and she's the reason for Leon's execution. So, I don't really know about the execution part, but like I said before, she did it for her friends and career. Even then, she wasn't sure she could kill somebody. It said it in the game itself. Her hesitation attracted failure. And knowing Sayaka, she probably didn't want anyone to die, but figured if only one person had to go, at least she wouldn't be hurting any more people. She didn't know about the rule that said that if the students couldn't find who the blackened is, they die. The rule was revealed after she died actually, so she couldn't have known about it.

At the end of the day, this is just my opinion. Feel free to agree or disagree!

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