MCYT/Dream SMP Incorrect Quotes: THE SEQUEL

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George: I can't believe we're stuck in this room together.

Dream, swallowing the key: Truly unfortunate. 

Dream: Your smile? It makes my day.

George: Your happiness? I live for that.

Sapnap: Hotel? Trivago.

Wilbur: What, Schlatt? I'm busy.

Schlatt: Do you think drinking 36 cans of red bull consecutively would make my senses heightened or would I just die?


Wilbur: I'm on my way.

Tommy: Hey, do you think I could fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth?

Wilbur: You're a hazard to society.

Techno: And a coward, do 20.

Tommy: I've done a lot of dumb stuff.

Wilbur: I've witnessed the dumb stuff.

Techno: I recorded the dumb stuff.

Tubbo, Ranboo: I joined you in the dumb stuff.


Eret: Okay, you're driving, and Dream and Techno walk into the road. Quick, what do you hit?

Niki: It's hard to say since they're both my friends, but I would have to say Dream. I could never hurt Techno.

Eret: The brakes, Niki, you hit the brakes.

Tubbo: You're finally here! What happened?

Tommy: I was arrested for being too cool.

Ranboo: There was no supporting evidence though.

Ranboo: Is there a word that's a mix between sad and mad?

Techno: Malcontented, disgruntled, miserable, desolated—

Tubbo: Smad.

Niki: Are there are any extreme sports you've tried?

Ranboo: Doing my math homework while my math teacher is checking for completion.

Tommy: How long does it take for you to hallucinate from sleep deprivation?

Philza: I think—

Techno: 72 hours.

Philza: How do you--?

Techno: There's a clown behind you.

Schlatt: If you have any suggestions, feel free to put them in the suggestion box.

Quackity: That's a trash can.

Schlatt: It sure is.

Therapist Puffy: This assignment is fairly easy. Write about your happiest moments!

Basically everyone on the SMP: My what now?

Philza: I hope you two have a valid explanation for this.

Tubbo: Actually, we have three.

Tommy: Pick your favorite.

Tubbo: If I cut off my leg and swung it at you, am I hitting you or am I kicking you?

Fundy: You'd probably be mentally scarring me if anything.

Tommy: I wish I was Wilbur.

Ranboo: Because Wilbur was a strong and inspirational leader who created an independent nation before he spiraled downward into corruption?

Tommy: No because he's dead.

Quackity: I hate you with every inch of my body!

Schlatt: That's not a lot of inches.

Eret: Did you just refer to the knife as an "orphan-opener"?

Techno: Should I not have?

Techno: I have a bad feeling about this.

Tommy: What do you mean?

Techno: Don't you ever get that little voice in your head that tells you if something is going to get you in trouble?

Tommy: No?

Techno: That actually explains so much.

Tommy: Techno! Can you tell me the opposite of these words?

Tommy: Always, coming, take, me, down.

Techno: Never, gonna, give, you

Techno: The satisfaction.

BBH: Name a way to be nice to others.

Sapnap: Not killing their pets.

BBH: Setting the bar a little low, but I'll take it.

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