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From what I've seen, Rose Quartz is one of the most, if not, THE most hated and controversial characters for doing many terrible things. From leaving behind Spinel, to accidentally forcing all her unsolved issues onto Steven, giving him an insane amount of trauma.

While I do think that these were terrible things to do, I still think Rose doesn't really deserve all the hate she's getting. Some thing a lot of people don't realize is that her redemption arc was shown backwards, from her mature and kind self to her original selfish and immature self.

Let's start from the very beginning, shall we?

Thousands of years ago, Rose Quartz used to be Pink Diamond, the smallest diamond of the diamonds. Pink Diamond was immature and selfish back then. She was silly and playful as well, and wanted a colony so desperately. She was best friends with her Pearl (Pink Pearl, not Pearl)and grew up in an abusive household. Blue represents emotional abuse, Yellow represents physical abuse, and White represents mental abuse (I'm pretty sure this was confirmed by Rebecca Sugar herself. Please fact check me though--)

One day, she pleaded to Yellow Diamond to give her a colony, but Yellow refused to give her one. In a tantrum, she punched a mirror, which accidentally affected the eye of her dear friend, Pink Pearl. I think that might've been her first step to maturity and change. After that incident, White Diamond gave her a new Pearl, the one we know and love to this day. In one of the art that one of the artists of Steven Universe had drawn, you can see how scared and traumatized Pink looks.

The Diamonds also gave her a new playmate, the lovable Spinel. They were close friends and Spinel had entertained Pink for a while. Now, for the reason Pink abandoned Spinel could go three different ways. I think the first way would be that Pink kinda saw Spinel as a toy (Not that Spinel is a toy). See, remember those toys you used to play with as a kid? Do you still play with them and do they still entertain you? Most likely not. Another reason might've been that Pink might've matured a little bit, or thought that she might've een seen as immature if she still hung out with Spinel. One last reason might've been because, Pink had lived in an abusive household, so maybe she thought Spinel didn't truly care for her. I'm not saying it was right for Pink to leave behind Spinel, but there had to be a reason for it, right?

After that, Pink went down to her colony in the kindergarten on Planet Earth. It was there she made the identity of Rose Quartz. She explored the Earth with Pearl and realized the beauty of nature. And she also realized how her colony was hurting it. As a Diamond, she did all she could to stop the colony, but her status didn't matter to Yellow and Blue. So she decided to become Rose Quartz.

In fact, she decided to give up on her Pink Diamond identity, and be Rose Quartz all the time. And by doing that, she faked her shattering. Which led to another reason why some people seem to dislike Rose. Because she hurt her sisters (?) But remember that because of how they had treated her, Rose thought they didn't care about her. It's pretty evident in her lines in "A Single Pale Rose," "Blue and Yellow don't care. They never have. This is Pink Diamond's colony."

Now, about Bismuth. I think it's pretty obvious why Rose hid Bismuth inside Lion's mane. Bismuth wanted to shatter the diamonds and homeworld gems, which might've been a bit too much for Rose. (I'm not entirely sure about this one, hence why it's kinda the smallest paragraph here.)

At this point, Rose had matured and become a different person.

And the last reason, for having Steven deal with her problems. Rose wanted a baby so bad that she gave up her own life to give birth to one. And she never wanted him to deal with her problems, shown in the episode in which Steven went into his room to see his "mom." Even if his mom was just a hallucination, I think it still would be accurate to her personality.

I know this wasn't very backed up with evidence or anything, but who ever said I'd write this like a professional?

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