Done For You | Chapter 1

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"Oh my god yes!" Jack cheered. We just finished recording their song. "Thank you soo much Juliet! This songs gonna be great." Alex said giving me a hug. "Haha, no problem."

We were just leaving he studio when Alex started talking again. "Juliet. Would you like to move in to our house permanently. I mean were hardly ever here in L.A and you'd be closer to your band mates and such."

Alex has been pestering me to move in here. Truth is I'd rather move here again. I've missed it really. I had been living in Florida for a while. "Alex..I yeah sure." I said. Then Alex jumped on me and started screaming. "Yay!"

We walked to a coffee shop and we all got some drinks. Alex and Jack sat beside each other. I sat alone till Zack and Rian walked in and joined us. "Thanks for waiting guys." They teased. I've been living with them for about three weeks.

They were awesome. They were the only ones from my teenage years that I still talked to. "Soo. Juliet agreed. She's gonna live in the house here since we all still stay in Baltimore most of the time." Jack said grabbing Alex's hand.

"See. Told you she'd agree." Zack said giving me a smile. Were all sat around until someone walked in. Cause the little bell to ring. Curiously I always look at who comes in but this person. Some thing about them was so familiar.

They looked around till there eyes landed on me. They walked over. "Hey. Um Jessica?" She girl asked. "Um, yea. Your Stephanie right?" I asked. I knew exactly who she was. My former high school best friend.

"Yeah, I haven't seen you since...high school." She added. The last time I saw her was when I ran away from cooking class crying. "Yeah. So how's everything." I asked. She smiled. She sat beside me and I moved over. Jack and Alex were clearly to busy to care. But Zack and Rian listened.

"Well I went to collage for two years then I moved back to our home town and stuff happened. Now I'm here on tour with my boyfriend. Well he's on tour but he's dragging me with him." She laughed.

"Oh great. I actually just finished recording a song with my friends." I added trying to up one her. "Really? Oh with All Time Low?" She asked grinning at the boys beside us. "How do you know ATL. You've never listened to this kind of music back at school?"

"I don't. My boyfriend mentioned them before." Oh that's great. "So how was high school after you left." She asked. "Well it was good. I made tons of friends who were all in different bands. Turns out they all made it big and are touring. I also had a few romances."

She smiled. "Hey do you mind if my boyfriends joins us. If we could join you guys? I'm sure you know him." She said directing the last part to the boys. "Jessica knows him." She said turning around and waving someone to us. "I do?" I asked confused.

The person walked up to us. And sat beside Stephanie. The guys recognized him. "Oh hey Danny." Jack waved. Danny. I don't know I Danny. And I've never met this person before. I'm so confused. Stephanie saw my confused expression.

"This is Danny Wornsnop. From high school..." Stephanie said clearly unaware if I was going to run away like the last time I saw him. "Oh..uh hey." I said. "This is Jessica. From high school Hun." She said to Danny. He looked nothing like how he did in high school. Then again neither do I.

"Ohhhh, the one who ran away in cooking class." He said. I chuckled. Clearly it was fake. Cause right now all I want to do is run away again. He was the one who pushed me enough to take an attempt on my life. "So Danny. You went to high school with our Jess here." Alex said attempting to take the awkwardness away.

"Yeah, we went to school together from grade 1 to 11 we actually dated for awhile." He said. Oh so he remembers. "Oh sweet. We met her when she moved here in high school. We date to for a while." Alex said. I cringed.

"So Danny. You guys are on warped this summer?" Asked Zack. "Oh hell yeah! We heard you guys are on two." They smiled. "Yeah, even our high schools friends are on it two. Jenna, Kellin, Vic..Jess is on it as well." I smiled.

I couldn't wait to see my friends well old friends. I haven't really kept contact since graduation. Which was about 4 years ago. I miss them all.

Danny and everyone talked. But I couldn't keep my eyes off Danny. He was the first person who I ever loved. He hurt me soo much. Yet here he is sitting across from me. It's almost like nothing happened. He was still quiet. And he kept glancing at me. It reminds me so much of Andy.

Andy. God I miss him. I don't think I'd ever love anyone more than him. But he's gone and I gotta forget him.

"I gotta go, I'll see you guys back at the house." I said getting up and walking away. As soon as I got out I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in. I was about to have a panic attack.

"Hey, Jess. You okay?" Zack asked catching up to me. "Yeah, it's just hard." He raise an eyebrow. "He was the reason I had to move to LA." He nodded. I told them I had to move cause I attempted suicide cause of something. "It's.. Okay." I sighed. "I shouldn't have seen him. I miss Andy like hell, and seeing him. Is raising my feelings for him. I loved him once I don't want to do it again."

I cried. Zack pulled me into his side. He's soo nice to me. "Sorry. It's just hard to see someone you ran away from so many years ago." He nodded. "Let's go shopping." I laughed. "You sure." I asked. "Well it cheers up Cass, when Rian takes her so. Let's go cheer you up. Well shop for warped."

I gave him a smile, wiped my tears and we walked to the mall. Cannot wait for this week to end. I'll be reunited with old friends.

A/N oooooohohohohohoho Danny is here. Oh shiit. Juliet, not surprisingly still has some feelings for her first love. With Andy gone what will she do? Damn. I don't even know what's gonna happen. This is all so crazy.

Sweet Blasphemy (Andy Biersack)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon