Just Crash Onto Me | Chapter 17

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I woke up in a...hotel room? I sat up on the bed and looked around. I see Jenna beside me on the bed..with Brandon, she's in the middle. Danny's on the couch. I got up slowly and thank god I don't get hangovers. I sneaked by the bed and looked down at what I was wearing. Just a shirt and my underwear.

I didn't bother getting dressed. It's not like I'm throwing myself at girls. Everyone was still asleep. I took he blanket from Jenna and Brandon to cover myself..bad move. I immediately tossed it back when I saw that...they were naked.

Ew! They had sex while I was asleep right beside them? What even. I cringed and walked over to Danny. I poked his face over and over. He finally grunted and opened his eyes. "What Juliet." He said moaning. "Get up and let's go get coffee." He rolled over. "Why are you always in a good mood after a night of drinking." I chuckled. "I don't get hangovers and I'm not a lightweight."

He sighed and got up. He was in his jeans. He stood up and I realized I was only in my underwear and top. "Oh!" I said grabbing them off the floor and slipping them on. He slipped n a shirt. I put my hai in a bun and we got out shoes on.

We just went down the the hotels restaurant and got 4 coffees. We made out way back up to the room and Jenna and Brandon were awake. "Great! Your both not naked anymore. Also question, did you really have sex while I was asleep." I swear Jenna could've choked on air. "What!? No!" She said clearly blushing.

I nodded and handed them both coffee. "Did I ever tell you your the best." Jenna said taking a sip. "Nope." I said popping the 'p' I heard my phone vibrate on the table. I got up and went to check it. It was a bunch of mentions about this video.

I watched it. It was of last night when I was pretending to be Danny's girlfriend and hanging out with him, Jenna, and Brandon. There was even footage of us just awhile ago getting coffee. I sighed. Andy's not gonna like this. Fans were even telling him to dump me because of it.

I went to Andy's contact and phoned him. I had about 5 missed calls. My anxiety was rising as I heard the line ringing, I don't know why. I did nothing wrong. "Jessica." Andy's voice came through. "I'm.." I didn't even know what to say. "Just...we have to talk." I nodded even thought he couldn't hear me. "I'll be there soon." And I hung up.

Jenna had clothes on and came over to my side. "I saw the video. Darling, everything's gonna be okay. Danny and Andy are friends." I looked over at her. "I know..it's just me and Andy aren't as strong as we were before." She gave me a soft smile and I said goodbye.

I was just getting into the elevator when Danny came in. "Oh." Was al I said as he walked in. "I gotta talk to you about last night." He said out of breath. "It's just a video." I said shrugging. He looked confused. "What? No. I was gonna say. Jessica. I..still have feelings for you. And when you said I was yours, I really wanted you to mean it. Honestly I love you. I've always loved you, I don't know why I messed it all up in high school." He said cupping my face.

I took all his words in. "Danny...you don't know how long I've waited for those words." His eyes brightened up and he was about to kiss me. "But." I said and he pulled back a bit. "It doesn't mean a thing to me now. Danny I loved you once, for a long time but not anymore. I love Andy." And he fully pulled back.

He let out a sigh. "You really know how to kick a guy when he's down huh." He said scratching the back of his neck. "Danny. I'm sorry." He nodded. "I am too." And he stepped out of the elevator on a random floor. I sighed and pushed the close doors.

I had called a taxi and was heading to Andy's. I dreaded it. I know I did nothing wrong but I don't know what he's gonna say. I paid the driver and got out and walked slowly to the door. Andy had opened it and was waiting. I sighed and hurried along.

I took my shoes off and sat on the couch. Suddenly feeling so out of place and hat I'm in a strangers house. "So." Andy said. "Firstly. Me and Danny are never happening and that night I was only helping him out by getting girls to back off. Plus I didn't know he'd be at the club me and Jenna were going to." I said leaning back.

"I believe you." My eyes shot towards him. "You do." I asked. He nodded. "Danny had called me, and told me about it last night. I wanted to talk because of these." Andy said pulling out a pregnancy test box. My eyes widened and I looked anywhere but Andy. I had bought them a week ago? I had missed and was feeling super sick. I never actually saw what the test said. I threw it away before I could cause I thought I was being stupid. I couldn't be pregnant.

"What about them." I said. "Juliet." I sighed. "I took one but I don't know what it said. I threw it away." He sighed. "Juliet, if you think your pregnant. We have to know, I don't want you moving out if you are." I nodded. I grabbed the box and took the extra one out and walked up the stairs. "Your taking it now!" Andy yelled from the bottom of the stairs. "Shhh, and yes." Then he followed me.

I peed on the stupid stick and we waited for two minutes. It was completely agonizing. I actually don't mind if I'm pregnant, I had an awesome career. I'm like 23 I could even get my own house or go back to the ATL house and support me and the baby myself. Of course Andy's here and were together so I doubt I'll have to do that.

I looked over at Andy who was staring at the stick tapping his foot. "Do you even want a baby?" I said out loud. I covered my mouth after those words shot out. He smiled at me. "Of course! I love you Jessica and if you are pregnant I'll love that little bundle as well." I smiled back. "You don't think were too young?" He scoffed.

"There's no such thing as too young." He said quoting a song I loved I kissed him and our alarm went off. We looked at each for her then at the pregnancy test. We stood up and walked over to it. There was two lines. I looked at Andy. "I'm pregnant."

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