Chapter 6

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At school

When I got to my classroom, I noticed that I was the last one to arrive. Mister Aizawa looked my way suspiciously.
"And where might your have been?" He asked.

"I-I'm sorry, I was late up yesterday and because of that I slept in. I promise it won't happen again."

"Hm, okay then problem child."

I gave him a slight thank you and got to my seat behind Kacchan who, like always, was glaring at me.

"Hey nerd, you better not be up to something."

Sharp as always huh? This might be harder than I originally thought it would be... But what could I do? after all, I did make a deal with the head of the LOV.

I sighed and took my books out of my bag to start the lesson.

After class

After I got out of the building , I heard a bleeping sound come from my wrist. I looked at it and found that the bracelet I got from Shigaraki was making the weird sound. At the same time ,what seemed to be a button , started glowing .

After a while of contemplating if I should press it, I did.

"*bleep* Well hello there." I heard the raspy voice belonging to none other that Shigaraki Tomura.

"H-Hi" I responded with a hesitant voice.

"Do you see that alley on your right side?"
"Go in there, Kurogiri made a portal to get you in the bar"

After that, he hang up. I decided that I should just go to the alley.
So I went over there and sure enough, there was Shigaraki. Standing beside a purple-black portal, he signed me to step into it. "What are you waiting for?"

"Nothing nothing....."
I took a step forward and sure enough , I was now in the same bar that I remembered to be the villain's headquarters.

Shigaraki got in after me.

The rest of the day was nothing special,.... well as far as spending time at the LOV headquarters can be normal.

When it started to get late, I thought to myself "Do my classmates even realize that I'm not in the dorms?" Probably not... I mean, it's not like they would pay attention to me when I was there... no one really noticed how tired I was all the time, or how I would feel like I would go insane at the tiny amount of rest I get. Not only physically, but also emotionally.

The only time I got to rest was in the weekends. And even then, I had to train because my stupid body is incapable of handling the quirk that has been gifted to my by my so-called "idol". I still admire All-Might a lot , yes. But on the other hand, I get the feeling that he doesn't really care about my well being.... Don't take me wrong though, I know that he wants me to become a great hero someday, I just don't think he cares fir how I feel about the intense training sessions I get. I am after all, still a kid.

It feels like I'm already carrying everything and more on my shoulders with just the power "one for All". What would happen if I become the number 1 hero and people start expecting me to be capable of basically everything .

After all this thinking I looked at the clock... shizzle.... it's 2 am...

Maybe I should go to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2021 ⏰

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