Chapter 5

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Izuku's POV

The room they gave me wasn't special or anything.
It really was just a plain room with a bed a nightstand and a desk in it. But it's still mine,for now, and I like that thought .

I didn't expect the league to be this casual about me. To be honest, I was expecting them to question me more or even beat me. So it speaks for itself that I was quite surprised when they just accepted me like that.

Darn, they're villains, and I (temporarily) JOINED them, I really shouldn't be feeling this comfortable. I might die any day now.

What am I supposed to tell my "friends" at school when they find out?
"Yeah, you were all ignoring me so I went and joined the league."
That would be ridiculous!!

*knock knock*

I might or might not have screamed at that.... you'll never know :)

I opened the door to find Kurogiri standing there.
"Pardon me, may I ask you to come downstairs?, we re going to eat."

He asked. Which made me think, how does he talk? He doesn't have a mouth. Or does he? Is his mouth hidden in all that smoke? "Or does he make sound with something else? Maybe he talks telepathically? If he does, does it have something to do with his quirk- ah I'm mumbling again...."

"Yes, yes you are."

I nervously hid my face in my arms as Kurogiri led me downstairs to see the rest of the league, including some "new" faces.

I think Dabi noticed me looking at them because he introduced me.

"Ah, right.. Midoriya they're Spinner and Twice. Spinner and Twice, this is Midoriya, a new recruit."

"Nice to- kill - no meet you"
Twice said seeming to switch between... personalities? I think so.

"Hello, I hope you don't mind my, if I say so myself, FABULOUS looks..... anyway, nice to meet you"
Spinner said, clearly talking about his reptilian features and Stain costume.

"Nice t-to me-et you" I stuttered with a nervous smile.

This is getting awkward.
I think Kurogiri noticed.
"Let's eat before the bacon gets cold"
He said.

So we started eating. I sat beside Tomura, he has been silent for a while now.
It makes me even more nervous than I already am.

"D-did I do something wrong Shigaraki?"
Of course I had to say something again. Me and my runny mouth...

"No, I'm just tired"
He said quickly.

Ok now I'm uncomfortable...
So I just silently ate my food...

~sometime later~

We were now all done with eating.
I took a look at the clock and came to the realization


I probably shouldn't have screamed that as now everyone had their attention to me...

"Uhm... sorry?".

Not a sound was heard until Shigaraki decided to break the silence.

"Ah right, I forgot. Here" he handed me a bracelet "take this with you and don't you DARE take it off. If you do, I wil find you, and I wil kill you"

I stood there awestruck that they let me go just like that.

"Well what're you waiting for. GO!"

And then I made my way to school.

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