Chapter 3

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"And about what I need is for you, Midoriya Izuku to...Join my League and so become the property of me, Shigaraki Tomura , or as you would say: Small for one"
These words took the green haired boy by surprise.
His thoughts were going faster than normal, and that's really fast. What should he say? He knows that he actually shouldn't hesitate to decline Shigaraki's offer, but there was something about it. Izuku didn't know why but he felt like maybe, just maybe, it wouldn't be so bad to join them.

"What do you choose? Stay in this prison called society, or be free from all the judging glares of people and join my league."

Shigaraki was getting impatient but he was set on making Izuku join them. Because of that, he was very pleased with the greenet's answer.

"So what if I do? What is it that I would get out of it? For your information, I have no intention of hurting the innocent."

"So what you're saying is that. As long as you don't have to hurt innocent citizens, you will join me?" Shigaraki said with a faint hint of childishness in his voice.

"Hmm, what if I'm not sure? It's not like I know how it is in the league, I don't know the members well, I don't know you that well either. But the biggest problem is, I'll have to betray my friends...."

Anyone hear the sadness laced in Midoriya's voice, even the rumored 'heartless' villain in front of him.

"Let me change the options, its either I will sadly have to kill you right here right now, which would be spilled potential, or I give you some time to decide. I will kidnap you right now and bring you to our base to get to know the others. You will spend a week with us and if you still don't wanna join, I'll kill you."

This didn't give Midoriya much choice. Normally he wouldn't hestitate to go with the last option but since the Stain incident, he started doubting if the heroes really do the things they do for others, or just for the fame of money.

At this point, the only hero he still trusts for 100 % is Aizawa. He doesn't accept credit for anything he does, this proves that he's a hero who cares about saving people rather than the fame one could get for doing so.

After considering all of this, Izuku chose to join them, the people who where originally supposed to be his enemies, a group of (supposedly) heartless murderers, the league of villains.

Knowing full well what the consequences might be, he's made his choice.

"I'll join you, I'll join the league of villains.......  for now"

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