Chapter 2

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that wouldn't mean that you don't have reasons for doing the things you do.....

After those words left Izuku's mouth, it went silent.
Tomura had no idea what to say or even think.

The same goes for Izuku.
He at the time didn't even know for himself what he was saying or why he said it. He just blurted it out.

It did however give some answers on what he thought about the Stain incident, and the stuff around it.

He now knew why he felt so uncomfortable with people comparing the man before him and Stain together. Not to forget that they find Stain to be the better person between the two.

Sure his reasons are pretty out in the open and actually quite understandable, but that doesn't even mean anything in Izuku's eyes.

As the broccoli was pondering in himself, he didn't know that all what he thought, he said out loud.

And of course Shigaraki didn't say anything of it.

He wanted to know what was going on in the mind of the other.
Tomura is a curious person you know.

So he just listened on what the other had to say.

At some point, the latter started blabbering on how he was being forced past his limits against his will and that because of it, he was incapable of keeping up with the classes.

"Sometimes I feel like they don't even care about what I want, the amount of sleep I need, or just my health overall.... *sigh* guess I'm just not good enough at controlling my quirk, not that it matters. I mean it's not like they ever helped me when I was quirkless..."

This caught Tomura off guard.
Sure he had a feeling that there was something special about the boy and his quirk, but he never would've guessed that he used to be quirkless.

Tomura thought that the teenager in front of him was very interesting.
So he tested his reactions, just to mess with the poor boy.

"You do realise that you've been muttering, right?"

The boy suddenly stopped talking and looked up with an expression of horror on his face.

The handy man might have cracked up a bit at the face.

"H-how m-m-m-much have you h-heard, might I a-ask?"

"Everything, and if you don't do what I say, I might just tell the other villains"

Tomura whispered in Izuku's ear making the latter shiver.

"What would you need from someone like me?"

The way he said that made Shiggy a bit concerned, not that he would ever admit it though.

"Someone like you?"

"Yes, someone like me.
A weak, ugly nerd who can't do anything right except for hurting himself"

The words coming out of the greenets mouth shocked Tomura a bit.

"Don't talk about yourself like that. And about what I need is for you, Midoriya Izuku to...

Join my League and so become the property of me, Shigaraki Tomura , or as you would say: Small for one"

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