Chapter 9

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Later that night James was called into the studio. James wanted me to go with him since there was a good chance he would get back super late. And that's where we were from 6 at night to the next morning.

I woke up on the black leather couch. Once my vision was good enough to make out shapes I noticed James was up and about. "James" I mumbled still sleepy. "What time is it?"

He came over to me and kneeled down so we were face to face. "It's 6 am Ang, go back to sleep" he whispered as he touched my cheek.

"Wait what about...that thing with Peta?" I asked even though my eye lids were fighting to stay open.

"Oh don't worry" James replied "I'm actually on my way down to meet her out front. Now go back to sleep and when you wake up you won't be scared about all of this alright." he kissed my forehead. "Ok I love you. Now, sleep tight." I watched James walk out and then went back to sleep.

*James' POV*
After I saw Ang go back to sleep I made my way down to the lobby.

"Hi ya!" Olivia jumped out in front of me. Almost out of nowhere.

"Oh hey Olivia" I replied "when did you get here?"

"Oh not to long ago" she said in her cheerful voice like she always did. "It's such a good day you know! The sun is shinning, birds are chirping, I'm living the dream, and guess what? I just made a fan's day."

"Really, that's great!" I replied "what'd you do?"

"Oh well I may have answered the receptionist's phone at her desk when she wasn't there. And the person calling may have been trying to reach me through her, and we had a conversation." She twirled her hair with her finger.

"Olivia what have we talked about?" I said

"Don't answer the receptionist's phone" she looked down at her shoes.

"Yeah, well I have to go find Peta" I replied. I looked around from where I was standing.

"Oh, Peta?" Olivia shot her head back up "she's right over there" she pointed to where in the lobby she was sitting.

"Thanks" I smiled

"Ok great well see you later" she waved and skipped off.

After Olivia passed me I made my way down to Peta. "Hey Peta, what's up? I thought we were meeting outside. Wait did the paparazzi-"

"No, they didn't see me" Peta replied "when I got here they weren't here. Thank god." She mumbled the last part. "Listen James, I have to tell you something."

"Okay what is it?" I asked.

Peta hesitated for a moment before spitting it out.

"It'slegalforyouandAngtodate" She said really fast. So fast I could barely understand.

"Pete, relax, breathe, slowdown" I told her "now say that again. This time slower. Please"

"James, it's legal for you and Ang to date, at least in the state of California."

"Wait what? Peta are you-how did you-"

"Well I have a friend who's a cop, well she's about to be. Anyway after I left your house I started to really think about this plan. And honestly I felt like it would've backfired, somehow, someway. So then I decided to go to my friend and ask what a legal dating age range would be. I of course didn't use your or Ang's name I told her I was just curious. And she told me a 9 years age difference is legal even though that sounds wrong, it isn't."

"But there has to be some kind of rules right?" I asked. There had to be.

"Yes there are rules" Peta replied "see with an age range like that you have to be careful with how you touch her, well out in public."

I looked at Peta a little confused. How I touched Ang in public? We'd only ever hold hands or hug. I mean I could pull her in for a kiss but all that seemed harmless.

"Like you guys can hold hands, hug, and kiss, but if someone sees your hand were it's not supposed to be you can and will be arrested. So you can't even joke or pretend to do that."

"Oh, well if that's all there is then I don't think we'd have a problem" I replied "I wouldn't touch Ang inappropriately, both when we're alone and in public. Heck one time I put her in my bed to sleep I slept on the couch."

"Aw that's sweet" Peta replied

"So, looks like I can go tell Ang the good news"

"Yep looks like you can" Peta responded "and you won't be needing me. But of course if you do I'm on your speed dial." She smiled

"Right you are" I laughed a little. Peta and I hugged

"Alright now I want you to be the gentleman I know you are, and please tell me Ang is going to tell her parents about you two?" She asked once we stopped hugging.

"She will, we just, we'll get there" I replied.

"Okay" Peta nodded "well I gotta go, now I just have to hope the paparazzi won't care about me." She put on her sunglasses.

"Hey if they do just tell them you're working on your singing career!" I smiled.

Peta and I hugged one last time and she made her way out. Passed the cameras, got in her car and drove off.

*My POV*

"Ang..Ang..Angelina" I heard James's voice and felt him shaking me just barely. "Wake up baby girl"

"Yeah James?" I opened my eyes and smiled. It almost sounded like a sigh. I slowly sat up. "What's up" I yawned

"I just got some really interesting news!"

"Oh my god what!" I replied "new role, release date for your album!" I stood up.

"No, and no, but you know how we've said that a 9 years age difference is illegal?"


"Well guess what Ang, its legal" James smiled "it's legal for us to date."

I stood there for a moment making sure I wasn't dreaming. "Wait James, you're saying..we can..and it's not.."

Next thing I knew I got an idea. It was crazy but I didn't care. I was happy. "Come on" I grabbed James' hand and we ran out of the studio, down the stairs, into the lobby and made our way outside. At the time there weren't any cameras but people could still see us. The city was alive with cars, people, and noises.

"Ang what are you doing?" James asked me.

I looked at him. "James, kiss me."

James looked looked around for a moment then at me. "Ang are you sure?"

"Yes. I'm sure" I responded.

James walked towards me. He put his hand on my cheek. "Are you positive about this?"

"Please?" I replied. Then James leaned down and kissed me. I smiled. And I was almost positive I heard footsteps and camera flashes.

Hey guys I hope you liked that chapter! Anyway there's something I'm changing in the story a little bit. You know how in the very beginning I said how James would stay 23 until I'm 18 Ok well I'm changing that so now everyone's going to stay the age they are now (in real life) until my character is 21. Ok that's all...don't forget to leave a comment (if you want) :)

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