Chapter 4

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I closed the door behind me and leaned against it. Ok I thought. Breathe in breathe out, breathe in breathe out. James could've been right at the beach but I was 99.9% sure there was one a few seconds ago. I decided to go to my room and do what I always did when I was stressed out. Listen to music and dance around. And by dance I meant mainly just jump around and did whatever my body felt like doing. I had no rhythm what so ever.

I decided to put on I Don't Wanna Be by Gavin Degraw. The song just felt kind of relaxing in some way. I'm not really sure how to explain how it felt exactly it just felt good. Plus why not. It was a pretty good song. I didn't jump around or anything like that I just kind of swayed my hips to the music, moved my arms around and, well you get the picture.

"Hi ya!" Carlos said standing in the doorway. This made me jump for two reasons. One I wasn't expecting it and two he caught me singing as horrible as I was.

"Um how long have you been standing there?" I asked while turning off the song.

"Since the 3rd verse" he told me "but anyway we need you downstairs, family meeting."

"Ok" I said and followed Carlos downstairs "so did you make the popcorn?"

"when do I not?" he replied. This whole popcorn at family meetings thing started when Carlos walked into one with a bowl of popcorn. Ever since then it's just been the thing.

"true, very true" I replied

"Oh good you guys are here" Alexa said once Carlos and I walked in. I went to go take a seat on the couch like always but something was different. Instead of Carlos or Alexa sitting next to me or at least on the same couch they were sitting across from me.

"Um guys what's going on?" I asked when I noted the strange seating arrangements.

"Well Carlos and I have something we need to talk to you about"

"Ok i'm with you so far" I replied

"Alright well me and Carlos have to go to New Zealand for work purposes and we've been going back n forth on weather we should bring you with us or have you stay here with Mak."

"So we finally decided to just let you decide" Carlos said "personally I think you should stay here where you have everyone because if you come with us we'll be so busy and you'd have to be in the house by yourself and we don't know anyone there."

"And I think you should come with us. New Zealand is extremely far and we'll be gone for two months i'm just not ok with leaving you"

"but babe-" Carlos started

"Guys?" I said causing them to focus on me "is it ok if I think about this?"

"Of course" Carlos told me. After I thanked them and left the family meeting I made my way to my room and called James. I already knew my answer.

"Hey Ang" he said once he picked up

"Hi" I replied "listen Carlos and Lex have to go to New Zeland and they want me to-"

"Whoa stop right there, you're going to New Zealand! Ok I know what I have to do. I'm gonna need Kendall, Logan, white suites and a 3 hour heads up before you leave"


"because if you're going all the way over there then it's my job to recreate the Worldwide video and i'm sure with just a little bit of practice either Kendall, Logan, or I can sing Carlos' part and then-"

"Ok hold it the next Justin Timberlake" I said "I'm not going anywhere. I also have the option to stay here in L.A with Mak and i've decided to do that."

"So you're not leaving? And we don't have to recreate the Worldwide video?"

"Nope i'm staying right here and besides Carlos and Alexa will go to a lot of places in the future, i'll defiantly go with them sometimes."

"Ok great because I would hate being so far away from you for 2 months"

"Yeah me too. But that's so sweet that you would recreate the video in an airport for me. Ok well I should probably go"

"Ok then i'll talk to you later. I love you"

"I love you to" I said "bye" After I hung up I went downstairs and found Carlos and Alexa in the kitchen. "um mom, dad, if it's ok with you i'd like to stay here" Carlos nodded his head agreeing with my decision. Then we both looked at Lex.

"Ok" she finally said "I guess I better go call Mackenzie."

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