Chapter 7

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"So you think Halston did this?" James asked

"Well do you know anyone else who would love to ruin you?" I asked with just a hint of sarcasm.

"Ang it's L.A. This town is infested with paparazzi they'll do anything for money." He replied

"Let me rephrase that" I said "who's had the paparazzi wrapped around their little finger?"

"Well okay I see where you're going with this but there's a chance it wasn't planned at all" James replied

"Yeah I know. I just don't know what's scarier"

"I understand" He replied

"I wanna find her" I said while reading through the pages again. I looked back up at James. "have any idea where she could be?"

"Well considering the fact I've had no interaction or communication with this girl I have no idea" James explained.

Then I got an idea. "To the Internet" I pointed in the direction of James' laptop. If we didn't know her personally anymore we were going to do this the fangirl way. The way I knew all to well.

We checked her Twitter, her Instagram, we checked any social media she had. Though she was never really big on the whole social media in the past nothing really changed. Then we went to google, looked up her name and went under the news tab.

"Ah ha!" I exclaimed. We found a article on her movie Neighbors. "Cast signings from 2-4" I read. I also found the address. It wasn't that far from us at all "James what time is it?"

James looked at his watch "2:30" he replied "you wanna go see if you can talk to her?"

"Will you take me?" I asked.

"Of course I will" he kissed my cheek "come on, let's go" he grabbed my hand and we were on our way.

Even though it's only been a few hours since the news broke James had been calm the whole time. While I was a nervous wreck. Maybe there was a chance everything could be okay.

"Well" James said once he parked "we're here."

"Um James do you notice anything about this building" I looked at the building the signings were being held in. It looked just like

"The house from the movie?" James answered "yeah looks like they made a replica." We looked at it. "Ready to go in?" James started unbuckling his seatbelt

"Wait James" I said "I think I wanna do this by myself...if that's ok."

"Oh, well um if you want to" he replied "that's totally fine...but are you sure you'll be okay in there?"

"I'll be fine James, don't worry" I smiled "but wait..." I held his hand and sat there for a few more minutes. "Okay....well, I'll be right back"

I got out of the car and walked to the house. The inside looked like nothing I pictured it to be. It looked kinda like a empty warehouse. But there was this long table where each star sat, and a backdrop of the movie poster. I spotted Halston drinking her water bottle and standing near the long table.

"Hey racy sage" I said in my normal nice voice.

"What did you just say?" Halston asked

"You know what I said. Anyway look I'm not here for the movie. But I need to know."

"Know what?" She asked

"Halston....did you hire paparazzi to take pictures of James and I?"

"Okay good one, you, James, together. Please" Halston rolled her eyes and started to turn back around.

I grabbed her arm. "Halston I'm serious. Did you or did you not. This isn't funny, this can seriously hurt his career. "

"Look I don't know what to tell you" she replied. Her voice sounded sympathetic. "It wasn't me, but if you honestly think this little love thing between you two will work I'd be extremely careful."

As much as I didn't like her I believed her.And wait, did she sound scared for me? For James?

"Look I know you don't like me but....I want you to be careful. If something goes wrong you will be caught in a huge mess and the media well make it 100 times worse. Think about it." With that she turned back around and went back to her seat.

I started to really think. Did she change? Then I noticed something. I saw David and Halston kiss. But wasn't she just seen with Chord? And Zac! Huh typical. I walked back up to her.

"You know, I thought you changed for a moment but you haven't changed at all. I thought you were with Chord but no you're with David too?"

"Well duh" she said but this time her voice sounded like I remembered it, and no longer sympathetic. "How else are you suppose to get noticed in this town?"

"Oh I don't know...talent!" I replied

"Oh whatever, at least we're close in age......and its legal" she waved me off. I turned back around and started to leave. But I bumped into someone.

"Oh, I am so sorry. Are you okay?" A voice asked.

"Yeah I'm-Zac?" I replied

"Efron? Where? Is he here?" Zac asked jokingly "oh wait that's me" he laughed a little. "But hey thanks for coming out for the movie. Here take a small poster. He handed to me.

I looked at it, then him. Even though I was mad at Halston there was no reason to take it out on Zac. He didn't do anything "oh um, thank you" I replied. I continued to walk back out then then stopped. "Wait a minute, Zac." I poked my head back in "just one quick question, are you dating that blonde over there. I pointed to Halston.

"Uh huh" Zac replied

"Yeah, she's using you. Bye" I finally got out of there and got back to James.

"So, how'd it go?" He asked me

"Ok well I have good news and bad news" I said

"What's the bad news?" James asked

"Halston didn't take those photos. So now we just have regular, do anything for money paparazzi on our tail. Oh and did you know she's using Zac, Chord, and David! Talk about a publicity love triangle."

"Wouldn't that technicality be a publicity love square?" James asked then let out a little laugh. "Come on Ang, I had to. It was getting to sad in here. And the good news?"

"Oh and I bumped into Zac Efron, literally." I told him

"Oh nice" James replied

"So...what do we do now?" I asked him

"Why don't you and I just go back home for the day. Sound good?"

"Yeah that, that sounds good" I agreed. James started the car and started driving back to his place while holding my hand the entire ride.

Oh my god I haven't updated in forever 😁 high school can really keep you busy. But guys be this sequel good? .

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