Our World (Foba)

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Here's for @zombies3fan108


Boba knew he was in trouble when he woke up staring down the barrel of a gun.

Fennec stood besides his pilot's chair, scowling. "Sleeping on the job?"

"What do you mean?" He asked, trying to sound innocent, even though she'd caught him in the treacherous act.

Fennec twirled her rifle in her hand and bonked his head with its butt. "Unless you want to be drifting through hyperspace for a few hours while you get your beauty rest, I suggest that you pull right now on that damn lever."

Boba rolled his eyes but pulled on the lever, taking them out of hyperspace. The planet of Tatooine loomed in front of their ship.

"Remind me again why we're coming back here?" Fennec prompted, a scowl playing across her lips.

"I have some... business to see to," Boba said.

"What sort of business?"

"You'll like it," he assured her. "Involves shooting a few old friends of mine."

Fennec could never tell if by friends he meant enemies, but she shrugged. Target practice was always in order for a sniper.

Slave I descended through the atmosphere of the dusty desert planet and touched down in the middle of the Dune Sea. A single thin little road cut through the sand. Fennec thought she recognized the place, but she couldn't quite remember.

"What's around here?

"Not here. It's a bit up ahead. We'll approach on foot, for stealth."

"What is it?"

Boba had his helmet on, but she knew he was probably raising an eyebrow at her. "Jabba's palace."

"Didn't the old Hutt die?"

"Yes, but the palace has gotten taken over by Bib Fortuna. We're gonna take it back."

"Palace raid," Fennec noted. "Fun."

The doors to the ship opened and the two crept out, weapons at the ready.

"How many guards are you expecting?" Fennec asked.

"Eh, a few dozen, at least. Come on."

It was a short trek through the desert before they saw the towers of the Hutt palace appear over the dunes. But the place was empty.

"A few dozen?" Fennec questioned.

"I thought there would be," Boba muttered as they approached, not a single life-form in sight. "It seems abandoned."

"Is the baby bib guy or whatever his name is even still around?"

"I hope so, so I can shoot him in his ugly face, but we'll see," Boba pushed open the doors and strolled inside.

A few alien guards were milling about in the entrance hall, but there were less than ten, so a few shots from both Boba and Fennec easily took them down. The noise from their blasters attracted a swarm of two dozen more boar-faced guards, who rushed in from the halls and attacked the two.

"This way!" Boba shouted, leading Fennec down a hall that led to a staircase descending down. Each glance they threw over their shoulder was accompanied by blaster fire, felling more guards. The shots the guards fired in return deflected off Boba's armor.

"I'll take care of the rest," Boba said, picking off the still-approaching guards. "You get down there and take out everyone but the big guy on the throne."

"Big guy on the throne," Fennec repeated. "Got it."

The stairs were longer than she anticipated, but by the time she saw the chamber, the blaster fire from above had come to a stop. There were a few guards on the stairs, but she took them out easily. Another guard rushed up, and she shot him, sending his body tumbling down the stairs.

Fennec emerged into a small chamber. There was a dais, with a fat pale man with two tentacle-like appendages hanging down from his head, and long fingernails. He was surrounded by more aliens, and a blue-skinned woman chained at his feet. Fennec opened fire, taking out the four figures surrounded the man on the throne. The blue-skinned woman cowered before her and pulled on her chains, but Fennec wasn't about to kill the poor prisoner. She shot at the woman's chains, freeing her, then inclined her head in a gesture to leave. The woman did so, scurrying away.

Footsteps descended the stairs below her. Fennec didn't have to look behind her to know it was Boba. She took a few steps around the throne, keeping her gun trained on Bib. She nodded at Boba to let him know the room was clear.

Bib laughed. "Boba!" He went on to ramble some things in a language she assumed was Huttese, but he didn't get very far before the Mandalorian raised his blaster and shot him point-blank in the neck. The criminal boss slumped, dead, in his chair. Boba and Fennec climbed the stairs to the dais, and Boba shoved Bib off the throne and onto the floor before sitting on the throne himself. Fennec found a jug of spotchka and sipped from it as she sat herself next to him on the arm of the throne.

She wiped her mouth and cast him a smirk. "We make a good team, if I do say so myself."

Boba pulled off his helmet, revealing the scars and fierce eyes that made him look older than he really was. He nodded and held out his hand, and Fennec gave him the jug of spotchka.

"What?" Fennec complained playfully. "There's no congratulations? No 'Thanks Fennec, I couldn't have done it without you?'"

He shot her a dry glare, and Fennec laughed. "Fine, fine, no celebrations, party pooper. What are you now, the Supreme-Awesome-Sublime-Powerful Lord of All Crime?"

Boba shrugged and took another swig. "That's a rather long title."

"That's kinda what I was going for, genius."

"Whatever. Thanks."

Fennec gasped melodramatically. "The ever-stoic Boba Fett just thanked me! The world must be ending!"

"No," he grinned. "Our world is only beginning."

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