teen tips

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Freeze Your Eyeliner

Does your eyeliner constantly crumble while putting it on? I recommend leaving it in the freezer for 15 minutes prior to applying your makeup. It should glide along your lash line seamlessly after that. Watch your timer, 15 minutes might just be too much. It all depends on what type of freezer you have and what brand your eyeliner is.

Shave With Conditioner

Buying shaving gell can acually be expensive. I always use conditioner and it works the same. Or if you're out of shaving cream, lather your legs with conditioner instead of soap. Conditioner will soften the hair on your legs making it easier to shave (and it will leave your skin feeling extra silky).

Rinse Hair With Beer Or Vinegar

Rinsing your hair with beer helps restore moisture to your locks while using vinegar will up the ante in shine. Soak your hair in either liquid (not at the same time) for a few minutes, then rinse with cold water. 

Turn Up The Heat

For curlier, flirtier lashes, try heating your lash curler with a hair dryer for 5-8 seconds before curling them.

Use Ice Cubes To Keep Fat, Acne And Wrinkles At Bay

Try massaging an ice cube over your face until it melts. Do it every night before bed and keep fat cells, acne and wrinkles under control.

Make Your Manicure Last.. And Last

Before applying nail polish, wipe nails with an acetone-based cleanser. Cleaning excess dirt, oil or moisturizer from your nails will ensure that the polish adheres properly. 

Don't Neglect Your Elbows

It's easy to forget about your elbows, but they need just as much protection and care as other parts of your body. Cure dry elbows by massaging your chice of  moiaturizer  onto them daily. You'll see and feel softer elbows in at least two days.

Say Goodbye To Makeup Sponges

Makeup sponges help you apply make up, but not without a cost. They usually soak up more liquid foundation than what ends up on your face. The result? You're wasting foundation and constantly buying new sponges. The fix? Get a foundation brush. You waste less foundation and it allows for a more even and precise application than a sponge would.

Keep Misbehaving Brows In Check

Spritz an old toothbrush or a clean mascara wand with hairspray, then brush brows and style them as desired. Even the most hard to tame brows will fall in line with this trick.

Toothpaste Zaps Pimples

You've heard it before — don't pop your zits! Not only does it increase the chance of scarring, it's also likely that you will worsen the blemish and spread bacteria to other places on your face which could give rise to another breakout. Try applying a bit of toothpaste to a pimple before bed and washing it off with warm water when you wake up in the morning. They say that toothpastes draws impurities out of clogged pores and dries the skin with shrinks the pimple. Opt for organic toothpastes rather than gel toothpastes which don't work as well.

No Makeup Remover? Try Lotion Instead

If you're out of makeup remover, use body lotion to get rid of makeup. It works especially well on tough mascara.

Tweezing Tips

Before you tweeze, make sure you soften your skin by dabbing a cotton ball soaked in warm water or cream. When you start tweezing, do so in the direction of your hair's growth. 

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