Chapter 8

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Question if the chapter!!

What's your favourite colour and fav food??

Mines purple and green and Pizza!!!!💜💚🍕


1-)right after you shave when you are done your shower apply body lotion to avoid skin getting dry

2-)Some beauty labels actually display false information, so don't believe everything you read. If a product promises instant results or all-day protection, it may be too good to be true.

3-)if you do use fake eyelashes Apply Mascara To Fake Lashes. This will help fake lashes blend in a bit more seamlessly with your natural ones.

4-)Our skin craves different things depending on the time of year. So change up your beauty routine based on the seasons. In the winter, add more moisturizing creams to your daily beauty list. In summer, ensure you're using lots of SPF(sunscreen)

5-) If You Have Greasy Hair... Avoid applying conditioner directly to your hair's roots -- just apply the heavy moisturizing cream to your locks' ends




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