Chapter 1. I have your back

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Um.. I just i wanna say thank you to the six people who have read this..? Im not really good with this kind of stuff, uh.. Really, thank you, Im really happy you decided to read this. I never really thought much about writing since I was small but uh, Im glad to see people like this.
Again, thank you, now lets get back to the story.

A loud beeping noise had woken up Marinette from her deep slumber, normally she would have slept through it as she was always tired but she has been feeling a lot better lately woth fewer akumas appearing in Paris.

She quickly hit the snooze button, leaving her comfortable bed. She tidied up her covers so her mom wouldn't nag her about it later when she got home. Finally done with everything, she went to the bathroom to wash up and get ready for the day. Wearing her normal everyday clothes have gotten boring for her so she has decided to change it up a bit for the last few weeks. Today, she decided on a light cream colored noodle strap top with a black jacket with her MDC logo hidden at the bottom, paired with a pink flowy skirt that went under her knees a bit.
Smiling at herself in the mirror, she grabbed her signature pink bag with Tikki already inside and went down to the bakery. Her mom had noticed her and smiled before giving her a few cheese croissants in a paper bag. Marinette happily accepted the bag, smiling "Thanks, maman!"

"It's no problem, sweetheart. Now why don't you go to school? Wouldn't want to be late now would you?" Her mother smiled back.

Marinette nodded walking over to give her mother a kiss on the cheek before grabbing cone cookies to put in her bag. "Bye ma!" She waved, already running off as her mom waved, her father also smiling at their conversation.

Marinette ran towards the school, dodging a few insults and glares along the way. Bursting into her class, she sat down and started enjoying her breakfast. She noticed most of the class weren't here yet, Lila included 'They must be out somewhere enjoying themselves.' Marinette rolled her eyes and she kept eating. She turned to look at her desk mate, Felix only to find him staring at her. "Can i help you?" She spoke after swallowing her bite of the croissant. ".. It's nothing." Felix shook his head and turned to look away. "Well it can't be nothing if you were starting at me." Mari retorted.

Felix kept quiet, stealing a few small glances at her. "..I was wondering if I could have one? I haven't had breakfast this morning and- actually nevermind." Felix started only to knock down the thought in the process. "Oh! You can have one, I don't mind. Here." She reached into the bag, giving the cheesy croissant to Felix. Felix stared at it a bit before accepting and grabbed the piece of pastry. "Thank you, Dupain-Cheng."
With that, the both of them sat there enjoying each other's company while eating their breakfast, a few small conversations bloomed as they ate as well.

That was how the class found them, talking to each other while one laughed at something the other said or just agreeing to something. Whispers came as fast as it could when it saw silence leave the classroom.  A few "Wow, i can't believe it."  " When Lila was here she was just a brat but when a new blondie comes in she's all smitten over him." Marinette had become quiet as the whispers flew around, Felix held a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Thanks." Marinette smiled at him lightly. "No problem, Dupain-Cheng." Felix gave a small smile but it disappeared as fast as it came. "Please, call me Marinette." She offered. "Then i insist you call me Felix, Marinette." He then took his hand off her shoulder, giving a small smile before retorting back to his emotionless face and stared at the front of the classroom. Marinette smiled before also looking at the front, seeing the teacher walk in.


The bell had finally rung, signalling that classes were ending for now. The students packed up and started chattering upon themselves without notice to their teacher. "Alright class, I want you to read chapter 2 and 3 at home and answer the questions that are at the bottom, I will check the answers woth you next period. Class dismissed!" Ms. Bustier spoke loudly, catching the attention of a few students, the said students took some notes in their book as to remember while the rest piled out the classroom.

Felix stood at the door waiting for Marinette to come. A few stopped from afar to stare at him and started gossiping of god knows what. Marinette finally walked to the door, stopping as she felt Felix's hand touch her shoulder, "Uh.. I was wondering if I could talk with you?" Felix scratched his head a bit. "Um, sure!" Marinette turned towards him, motioning for him to lead the way.

~•~•~Another Skip~•~•~

Felix had taken her to the park, where he and his other friends were said to meet up but a few had cancelled last minute so it was only him, her and a few others. "You said you wanted to talk?" "Yes, I heard some of the students talking about you in class, I was wondering what that was about?" Felix stared at her questioningly.

"Ah, that.." Marinette looked down, a dull appeared in her eyes. "You don't have to tell me, I was just curious." Felix quickly retorted seeing the sadness in her eyes. "No it's fine. You see, there was this new student named Lila Rossi that came in months ago, she had claimed to have lots of connections with celebrities and other famous people from around the world on how they promoted her, how they worked with her and how they did things for her. In return, t-the class had fallen into her lies immediately, only a few had been so brave to side with me but they kept quiet because they're scared of her."

Felix made a face but motioned for her to continue, "She eventually left but t-then came back a few months later. Only Adrien knows that she's lying but he isn't doing anything about it, h-he said we were in this together but I guess that was just to get me to stop trying. He didn't do anything to help me at all and now the class is turned against me, they hurt me but I-I usually avoid and ignore them whenever I can." Marinette finished with a few small teras in her eyes, stuttering a bit when she spoke.

Felix stared at her," I see.. So he's still a spineless coward." Felix hummed. "Huh? what do you mean?" Marinette looked t him surprised, "..I guess you could say I knew him since we were little, he always tried to get everyone to keep quiet considering that was the way he was raised." Marinette stared. "Oh.. So you're.. related?" "..I guess you could say that. We're cousins." Marinette made a surprised sound in the back of her throat. "I didn't know that." Marinette looked away from him. "It's not something that Gabriel really likes to let the public know so I'm not surprised." Felix looked at the back of her head only turning away when he saw her head move and nod. "Well, I just want to say, I have your back, Marinette." Felix finished, the both then resulted to silence as their conversation

Felix was about to ask something again as he opened his mouth but a loud voice cut him off. "Hey, Felix!" Felix turned to where the voice came from, only to find a familiar mop of brown hair.

Word Count: 1407 (Including the notes at the start and end)

Hey, uh.. Its Lex, that sums up another chapter of this shitty fanfic im working on. Its not the best thing you will read in your whole life cause im really bad at writing- but i really do hope youd like this cause i am really trying to make this a good fanfic for people to enjoy. I hope you had a good time reading this, I shall post a new chapter next week, until then, GOODBYE

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