Chapter 6. But what will happen to Chat Noir?

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Both of them had been anticipating for the time to come. Period after period, they had been eagerly waiting, until the time finally came. The bell finally gone off, signaling it was the end of classes for the day. Felix already finished packing up and stood there waiting for Marinette until she finished. They conversed the whole way until they made it to Marinette's house. "I'll see you in a bit?" Marinette turned to stare at him, "Yeah. I'll pick you up when we're ready. Where are we even going?" Felix raised a brow. "That's for me to know, and for you to find out." She winked before waving and walked into the bakery's doors. Felix stood there and sighed as he kept looking at her through the windows like a lovesick fool before deciding to go and prepare himself for the date.

"Oh Tikki! What if he thinks I'm ugly? What if he thinks the dress is too flashy and then he'll say I have bad taste for a fashion designer and we'll never get married and have three kids and a hamster! My whole life will be ruined!" Marinette pulled on her hair. "Calm down, Marinette! I'm sure everything will be fine! You look beautiful so stop worrying. And remember to visit Master Fu after this!" Tikki squeaked as a hair tie was thrown in her direction on accident, a small "Sorry Tikki!" came from Marinette as the started doing her hair after letting it dry. She finally decided on a loose braid that went to the side, tucking in a small bow at the part it was tied. She changed into her off shoulder black and red dress that went a bit under her knees. She decided to go for some black flats after deciding she didnt want to embarrass herself in front of Felix. She grabbed a red purse to match her outfit and called Tikki to go in. She skipped downstairs and snuck a few cookies in her purse. "I'll be back at 9! Bye maman and papa!" She waved and walked outside to wait for Felix. Her parents standing there sniffing slightly, "She grows up so fast." Her mom hugged her husband. "She does." He hugged back.

"Hey Felix!" She called out and ran to him. "Hello, Marinette. You look beautiful" He complimented. "Thanks! You too! I mean! You look handsome cause you aren't a girl and everything.." She stuttered slightly red. "Calm down, Marinette." He chuckled. "And thanks." He held her hand which made both of them blush, "You're welcome." She smiled. "Well, come on." He lightly pulled her with him to the car. He opened the door with his other hand and motioned for her to go in. She nodded and went in the car, smiling as she looked around. "Wow.." Her eyes brightened in amazement. "Yeah. Wow." He still held her hand as he got in himself and closed the door. "Well? Where are we going?" He turned towards her. "Hmm well you see, I may have had some help from Alya and she helped set up the place so.. To the Eiffel Tower we go!" She smiled and turned towards him. "You heard her." He looked at the driver and grimaced slightly, making Marinette clutch his hand tightly and shake her head. His gaze softened and he looked away blushing. It was a bit awkward but they made small conversations along the way and made it to the Tower in no time.

They made it up to the highest they can go before finding the preparations Marinette made with Alya. Felix quickly walked out to pull out her chair for her until she say down before sitting himself. They enjoyed their meal with endless chattering throughout until they finished. Marinette had already asked Alya and she agreed to help clean up so they didn't need to worry about the tables and chairs so she pulled Felix with her down to where she saw André. She stared excitedly as the elevator went down but they could see the view of Paris. making their way to him, André smiled at the couple. "Ah, what a beautiful couple! Hmm, how about.. Blackberry for her beautiful locks, kiwi for his bright green eyes and blueberry for some in-between!" André smiled before handing them the ice cream. They took it and thanked him before walking over to the benches and sat there to eat the ice cream. They could say that they enjoyed it thoroughly. After they finished, Felix finally took Marinette home for the night, it was only 8 pm but Marinette had things to do so she told Felix she had to be home at 8. "I really enjoyed tonight." She held her hands together at front, "Me too." Felix agreed. "Maybe we could do this another time?" He continued, shocking Marinette slightly. "Yeah. I'd like that." She smiled brightly. "Well, I'll be leaving now." Felix coughed slightly while blushing as he stared at her. "Ok. Bye." Her voice trailed off a bit. And so she waved but Felix didn't move an inch. As she was about to open her mouth and ask him, Felix pulled her towards him and kissed her (Yeah i aint giving any details on this cause i have never written kissing scenes or lovey dovey scenes so this sucked quite a lot).

~S k i p~

She was still bright red by the time she had made it to Master Fu, fumbling slightly with the doornob before she got it open and went inside. "H-hello Master." She greeted, opening her purse to let Tikki out. "Hello, Ladybug." Master Fu greeted, "I assume you're here to talk about Chat Noir?" He sat down cross-legged. "Yes Master." She sighed. "When I first picked out the Miraculous, you had been a perfect match in my mind but Chat Noir was only half way to my expectations. Because I had the Ladybug miraculous out, I also had to let out the Black Cat miraculous. I was eager to find an owner and he was there at the right time so I gave it to him. Oh what a mistake I did." He looked away from the young girl, snarling, "He was too eager to let go of his other life, he became too carefree while fighting the akumas because he couldn't have this life back then. He has lost himself while using it, he's too far gone." He turned back to her. "What do you mean, Master?" Marinette stared at him confused. "What I mean, Marinette, is that there shall be a new Black Cat holder, and Chat Noir shall be no more." He met her shocked eyes. "M-Master! Are you sure? What will happen to Chat Noir?" She questioned shell-shocked. "Yes, Ladybug, he shall have to deal with the consequences he caused. I'll take his Miraculous tonight while he is asleep and I shall give it to someone else who I have been watching over." Master Fu got up. "You should go home now, Marinette. It's getting late and I dont want your parents to worry." He smiled at her kindly. "Yes, Master." She got up, "Goodbye! I'll see you another time!" She waved before rushing off, her kwami flying beside her.

She made it home a few minutes early and greeted her parents before going upstairs to change and get ready for bed. She got into her pjs and started scrolling through Instagram until it was 10 and she went to bed for the night, her spotted kwami sleeping next to her.

~With Felix~

That night when he came home, his face was bright red and that earned a ton of teasing from his parents, he ran straight to his room after his mom said to give her grandchildren. He quickly changed into his pjs, shuffling under the covers while scrolling through some random stuff(Mari's Insta cOUGh COuGh). He put his phone away and went to sleep when it was 10, not noticing the figure who placed a black box onto his desk and left.

~With Adrien~ (Were you expecting that? OwO) (this happened before last chapter so just mush in somewhere that adrien started being more distant but they didnt notice yet)

Master Fu came into his room by 9:30 that day while he was complaining to Plagg about his Lady. "Chat Noir, you are no longer fit to hold onto a Miraculous." Master Fu stuck out his hand, "You shall return the Miraculous to me." He grimaced. "Wha- But Master! You don't understand! This is my life! Please!" He begged on the couch, "No, Chat Noir. I have already given you chances. And you already lost one in Siren. Give me the Miraculous." He made a grabbing motion with his stuck out hand. "This is about the akuma the other day isn't it." He looked down, a dark cloud forming over his face, Master Fu just nodded. "That wasn't my fault! If M'lady only accepted that we were soulmates then the argument wouldn't have happened! That was her fault!" He blamed. "This is why you are unfit to wield a Miraculous. You only think about yourself and no one else. Give me the Miraculous." He walked towards him. Adrien shook his head and got up, ready to run but in a millisecond, Master Fu has snatched his ring from his finger and jumped out the window to his place to give someone, leaving Adrien there alone.

Word Count: 1588

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