Chapter 2. Come with me!

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Ok uh, i know i said i wouldnt be posting but i found an opportunity so i proofread one chapter and im posting it! i only had time for one so im very sorry, ill try my best to keep uploading if i get the time. Hope you enjoy!


"Allan?" Felix stared at him. "Hey, Fe! What's up?" The man, who she presumed was this "Allan" asked. "Ah.. Nothing, it's fine. So are any of them other coming?" Felix stared down to the ground before looking up again with a frown implanted on his face. "Uh.. I don't think so." He scratched the back of his head in shame. "Well, I guess they'll meet you at a later time, Allan meet Marinette. Marinette, this is my friend from my old school, Allan." Felix looked between the two of them. "You had friends?" Marinette stared at him in surprise, making Felix look at her with a questioning glare. "I-it's not that it's a bad thing! It juts.. caught me off guard I suppose.." She looked down embarrassed, still feeling Felix's lingering glare on her small body. "Yes, I actually had friends, Marinette." Felix stared at her a bit longer before retorting his gaze back to Allan. "So.. what do you wanna do?" Allan quickly asked noticing the tension between them. "Well what do you want to do?" Marinette stared at him with a fake smile, mouthing 'We'll talk later' to Felix. Seeing him nod, she turned her attention to Allan with another smile. "Well, let's....


It was reaching sunset so Allan had already left them, so now it was only the two. "So.. Allan's pretty nice." Marinette started, trying to start a conversation. "Yeah.. He is." Felix stared off into the orange and yellow-ish sky. Silence kept following after that so they decided to enjoy the peacefulness while it lasted. Marinette took out her phone, only noticing the time then. A panicked look was clearly shown and Felix had
noticed. "Hey.. everything okay?" He stared with a bit of concern. "Yeah.. but can we.. talk another day? I'm busy today." She stared at him still panicled quite a bit. "Sure.. We can meet at.. school?" Felix smiled slightly before his poker face came back and he stared off again, "Yeah! Thanks, really. I'll see you at school, bye!"  She stuffed her phone into her small pink bag before waving and ran off to god knows where. Felix smiled at her direction before grabbing his stuff and left himself.


She landed on the rooftops with a low 'thump', she quickly got up and ran as she saw Chat Noir already there waiting for her. "Hey, Chaton." She smiled at him as she sat down, "Hey, M'ladybug. Ready for patrol?" He asked her with a smile of his own. She nodded happily before the both of them discussed where they would cover and where they would meet up.

Halfway through her side, she received message from Chat Noir on her Bug-phone. "Chat?" She looked around a bit wary. "M'lady! Theres an akuma!" The cat-like heroine's voice rang through the yoyo. "I'm coming, I'll see you in a bit, Chaton!" She hung up, closing up her yoyo before swinging and threw it in the direction of Chat Noir's location.

"Hey, M'lady. I think the akuma is in his necklace."  He threw his baton at the akuma, jumping around the city grounds. "Thanks, Kitty!" She threw her yoyo, grasping at the akuma's right hand and pulled. "My name is __________ and you will feel the wrath of an artist's broken heart!"


The fight had just ended and they were jumping back to the place where they started. They landed with a 'thump' onto the ground, Ladybug got up and looked at Chat with a stern glare with her hands on her hips. "What's wrong M'lady?"  Chat Noir looked back at her with a confused face. "What's wrong? Your little stunt back there almost made my Lucky Charm go to waste(if you get the reference you are my best friend-)!" She stared at him with an angry look. "But M'lady! Didn't you hear what he said? He said he was an artist but in the fight he said we would never be good for each other if we dated! We both know that's a lie cause we are made for each other so I thought I should go in and-" He quickly started, only to get cut off. "No, Chat! I told you many times already, I don't like you that way! I already have feelings for another boy!"
"But M'lady- we are made for each other-! We're like the Yin and Yang!"
Chat argued. "No, Chat! I can't do this! I've told you so many times already! How many times do I have to say this, I don't like you! Ughhh.. Chat, I think we should just work with each other when necessary.. Please, Chat." She stared at him with pleading eyes. "M-M'lady, I-" He stuttered, "Please.." She pleaded again. "Fine, you said when necessary so we'll only work when time comes!" He looked at her angrily before grabbing his baton out and jumped away like a child throwing a tantrum. She sighed as she looked at him disappearing, grabbing  her yoyo from her hip, she ,too jumped back home.


She swinged into her bedroom through the window, de-stransforming in the process as she plopped down onto her bed face-first. "Oh Tikki.. What am I supposed to do? I think Chat Noir is mad at me, AGAIN!" She sighed loudly with her face in her pillow.
"I'm not sure, Marinette but I'm sure it will be better soon! You can go see Master Fu tomorrow and ask him about it, for now just go to sleep and get ready. We don't want you to be late again, right?" Her spotted kwami giggled at her. "You're right Tikki, you always are, I'll see Master Fu tomorrow! But for now, goodnight, Tikki." She changed and got under her covers and slowly fell asleep, hearing a small "goodnight" come from her pillow.


Marinette yawned as she got up from under the covers. She quickly did everything she needed and washed up before waking Tikki up. She prepared her bag and motioned for Tikki to fly in, when Tikki did, she grabbed her bag and went downstairs to be greeted by her parents. She gave them a "good morning" before eating her breakfast and put some cookies into her bag with some croissants and other sweets. She waved bye to them and walked to school.

-------------------~'~s~k~i~p'~------------------- (im sorry for all these skips- im just lazyyy)

She walked to her seat in the back, not surprised to see Felix already there, reading his book with a poker face. She greeted him and smiled before sliding her bag off her shoulder and sat down next to him. "Have you had breakfast yet?" She looked over at him with a big smile. He shook his head, still reading his book. Her smile faltered, she grabbed out her bag of croissants and motioned them to him, he looked up at her with a questioning look. "Eat, you need to have breakfast before functioning in the morning." She insisted, "I'll be fine." He shook his head and averted his gaze back to his book. "Please, I insist." She put the bag on the table and pushed it over slightly, staring at him with hopeful eyes. Felix stared back at her before nodding and grabbed it. He opened the bag a bit wary. He took one out and slowly ate it, relishing the fact he was actually very hungry as he chewed. He thanked her and looked back at his book, "You're not gonna eat anymore?" She stared at him worried as he shook his head. "Alright.."  She accepted his answer and put the rest away for Tikki.

The teacher walked in and started the lesson.


She packed her bags and got up, noticing that Felix still sat there alone, not moving and inch. "You're not gonna go?" She held her backpack strap a bit tight. "I didn't bring any lunch and I am not having this school's lunch." He looked up at her. "Oh.. then.. Come with me! I insist!" She smiled at him, her grasp on the strap loosened. He stared at her before nodding and grabbed his bag. He motioned for her to walk and started following.

Word Count:1447 (Including the A/N at the start)

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