in the works

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Okay I know I said I would be updating in a few weeks and that was awhile ago. However I got a lot of stuff going on it's no excuse but I'm gonna try and figure out what's going on with some chapters. However I do want to say that while I was away I've noticed a lot of the support and I truly want to say thank you to everyone who votes or reads the story. I'm hoping to edit everything and also come out with a different cover but I promise you this story is still in the works. Now am I still gonna get a chapter out some time soon the answer is yes I am. I want to be able to give y'all great chapters and not put ones out that are just okay even though I'm still learning on how to be better and make a better story for y'all. But I mainly wanted to get on here and thank you for your time and patients I hope to update soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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