Chapter 22

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I woke up from my peaceful sleep and got up to get changed.
When I was done getting ready I decided to read a book on my bed when I remembered I bought different colors of hair dye.
You are probably wondering why I bought different varieties of hair dye well it's because I wanted to dye my hair a reddish brownish color but I also thought it would make a good prank.
So I pulled out a blond color hair dye and also some pink hair dye and I went into Emmet's room and put some of the blonde and pink hair dye and put it into Emmet's shampoo bottle.
I quickly mixed the dye together so it was now a light pink color once I was satisfied with the color I put the cap on and put it back where it was in the shower.
I quickly ran to my room picked up my book that I was reading and started to read where I had left off.


Ahh the satisfaction of what I'm about to see i put down my book and went down to the living room to see a light pink haired Emmett looking everywhere for me.
When he turned around I lost it his hair matches Rensemee's shirt and she was even laughing.
"Hey Emmett have you seen.....whoa nice hair" Roselle started to laugh as hard as me and Rensemee.
" Rose it's not funny see what Alex did to me" he complained like a little kid.
" Emmett you right Alex.... that was hilarious well now we can spot you from miles away".
Emmett turned around to look at me with a big smirk on his face " Alex I hope you know I'm gonna get you back. It may not be now but it will come when you least expect it".
I laughed and put my hand in his shoulder " I'm looking forward to it Emmett" I took my hand off his shoulder and went to go find charlotte and Peter.
Every one was outside besides Emmett, Roselle, Rensemee and Jacob I walked over the see what every one was up to and I see Bella trying to use her powers again so it would become easier to use.
The battle was only two days away so all we did was practice to prepare for the battle.
I would like to say we are prepared for the battle against the Volturi but in reality you can't really prepare for something like this you just learn what you can do to defend yourself and other and hope for the best.
And to be honest even with my powers I'm really nervous to meet the rest of the Volturi I've never met anyone from the Volturi besides Alec and Demetri.
The only reason I met those two is because they were told by their master's to try and convenience me to join the Volturi since they heard about my powers from other vampires.
So besides meeting those two I've never met anyone from the Volturi besides Alec and Demetri.
The only thing I know about the Volturi is that they are powerful, the name of those who are on the guard and also their gifts.
So meeting them should be....interesting.....very interesting.

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