Chapter 20

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After I woke up I realized that I'm in my car sitting on the passenger knowing that someone was driving MY CAR!!!
When I turned my head and saw who it was.
I've never been so angry in my life and that includes the Edward/Cullen incident once I saw who it was. You might be ask who it is right well let me tell you who.
Words can not express how mad first off I'm not a huge fan of Alec in the first place but he really crossed the line by kidnapping me and driving my car.
Alec glanced over at me and smirked "It's nice to see you again Alex".
"I can't say the same thing to you Alec cause if I did I would be lying through my teeth".
"Ouch Alex I'm truly hurt my stone cold heart" I hate his sarcasm but that's very hypocritical for me to say cause I'm actually very sarcastic.
"Oh my god Alec you have a heart I never knew you had one of those" see what I mean but is it bad to a say that I laughed at what I just said to one of the most dangerous vampires in the world and did I regret it... no not at all.
All Alec did just gave me a face that scream I'm not amused and I just gave him a little smirk.
"Hey! eye's on the road I swear if you crash my car their will be hell to pay and that's just putting it nicely".
Alec's eyes went back on the road and it was quite until I wanted some answers.
"Why the heck did you kidnapped me by the way!".
"I already told you Alex Aro wants you to be one of his witness and also wants you to be on the guard because of your gift plus you know another reason".
"So you had to kidnap me!".
"Hey you didn't wanna come with me when I first asked you and my master hates when we come empty handed".
"He knows I said no for a reason and I don't care if he doesn't like it it's my life and I choose how to live it and not to mention that I will never and I mean ever bow down to someone".
"We don't bow down we follow orders to maintain the law".
"AKA bowing down to your masters needs".
"For such a pretty face you sure do have a mouth on you".
I smiled and looked innocently said "I know and by the way where are we going!".
Driving to the spot where we are gonna meet the rest of the Volturi and the army".
I wanted to know because I was planning my escape and I found out the perfect plan.
I will use his own powers against him and escape after I use my mind control power on him.
"Hey Alec".
"Yes Alex he says looking at me then I used my mind control on him".
"Alec you wanna pull over on the side of the road park the car wait outside for me".
He pulled over and put the car in park so he could get out that's when I rushed outta the car and went behind him and used his own gift to cut off his sight and smell so I could get away.
After he fell to the ground I closed the passenger side door and get in the driver seat and then started the car which roared to life.
I felt really good to have my car safe and sound again so when I put the car in drive I made a U turn and headed back to Forks.
After awhile of driving I checked my phone to see 8 missed calls from Peter, 10 from Charlotte and the one that surprised me the most was 20 missed calls from Edward.
I decided to call Peter and he picked up the phone right away.
"I'm on my way back to Forks".
"I never left I was actually kidnapped by Alec Volturi and you guys worried over little old me".
"Ugh okay well I'll let the others know just get here as soon as possible and don't think we are not gonna talk about this because we are".
"Okay fine Peter see you soon".
I finally hung up my phone and was almost in Forks I had less than a mile away and then I saw something in the road.
Well not something but someone and they looked at me in the eye's and all I thought was why did the universe hate me so much.
I truly will not catch a break will i.
(A/N: who do you think is in the middle of the road staring Alex down find out in the next chapter and remember to vote for this chapter it would mean a lot to me and I promise the next chapter will be longer since this one was shorter cause I've been extremely busy sorry my lovely readers.)

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