Chapter 24

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Some people think that in order to solve a problem you need to acknowledge it and fix it. I would normally agree with them but in my case I disagree only because things are really complicated.
I always felt like I needed to avoid the situation since I just couldn't deal with my true mate problem and all the complications it brings.
I really don't want anyone finding out cause then they might think badly of me and my intentions of helping them.
However I knew that one day I would have to deal with this issue again even though I wanted to keep running from it as long as I could.
Normally I never run from things I always face them no matter what but this was different.
Here's my issue when I was a newly turned vampire I decided to travel all over the world because I've always loved seeing the history of places.

Well one day I decided that I was gonna go to Paris since I've always dreamed of going their.
On the 3rd day I was their I went out to explore and get a bite to eat.
It was a regular night in Paris where all the lights were shining like stars through out Paris. It was truly stunning it's one of the beautiful things that i've ever seen in my immortal life.
But when I went hunting that night I was just finishing up my meal when another vampire came outta the shadows.


"Well what do we have here?". I turned around and my eyes connected the bright red ones as soon as I made eye contact with this person I knew he was my mate since it felt like the world just stopped and it was just the two of us.
He was wearing a dark gray coat that almost looked black with a necklace with the letter V.
He also looked shocked but his eyes were soon filled with interest "Well hello their mi amore my name is Alec what's yours?".
I'm not sure what to do at this point I just got over Edward and everything but I thought what could go wrong well little did I know.
"Nice to meet you Alec my name is Alexandra but most people call me Alex." he gave me a small
"nice to meet you too Alex however I must ask what are you doing here?"
"I was in the middle of my dinner why are you here and whats with the look?"
"Alright to answer you first question I just got off a mission and the answer to your second question is because i'm in the Volturi.".
"What's that?" Oh how young and dumb I was back then.
he looked at me with a shocked expression on his face "you've never heard of us?"
He chuckled "we're a coven of vampires that enfore the laws to keep our kind secret.
" Ok so you said you went on a mission what does that mean?" he just smirked "It means that other vampires didn't follow the laws that we have to keep our kind hidden so we need to go and fix that problem before we get exposed to the humans".
"Alright anything else I should know Alec?"
" Yes their is our coven is lead by the three master Aro Marcus and Caius they are the rulers of the vampire world and I am apart of their gard along with me my sister Demitri and Felix along with few others but it's mainly us four".
I nodded my head understanding at him " Hey why don't you come with me and visit we can figure things out together."
I smiled at the though of being with him but it was all to soon for me "Umm well I just got out of a relationship and I don't really know I just really want to travel the world like I always wanted to do".
"Alright well here's my number if you change your mind their will always be a place for you no matter what. I hope that i will see you soon mi amore".


Well now that you understand how we met
you must have questions like how did he find out I was gifted or just what happend after that.
Well to answer the first question you might have is because we ran into each other another time but it was in Rome where he was on a mission and he saw me trying to control my gifts. At that time I didn't know I had a gift until I started to show the first power I got which was controling the elements. He went to call and informed his masters about me and they wanted to meet me but I didn't know what to do. But since he is my mate I trusted him to. I thought he just wanted me to join his coven so he could be with me aww how cute... again I was young and dumb.
Long story short as soon as we made it we got their Aro brought in a vampier that could tell you their gift. After finding out how powerful I was Aro wanted me in the guard so bad.
I didn't want to be used and I don't wanna get my heart to get broken again. So I looked at Alec and said sorry and ran Aro couldn't find me since Demitri was out on a mission with Jane so he couldn't track me. But Felix and Alec gave me a run for my money i really thought I was gonna get caught but I made it out.
However I did end up running into Demetri and Alec eventually one day.


I was heading home after a nice day of sight seeing in Egypt and once again Alec and Demetri found me and Alec tried to convince me once again which annoyed me.
I always thought that he just wanted to be with me even though I felt like he wanted to please his master's by getting me to join just to use me. Alec ended up using his gift on me so I passed out. The last thing I saw was Alec picking me up and running off. When I finally regained my senses I noticed i was in a hotel room with Demetri sitting in a chair in the corner of the room.
He told me Alec went to go hunt and that when he comes back we'll be on our way back to the castle.
We made small talk and I found out that he is the best tracker and he can find you anywhere in the world. I also learned that he's an elite gaurd member with Alec in the Volturi. Not to the biggest flirt I have ever met oh and let's not forget to mention his huge ego.
Much to mine and Alec's annoyance Demitri he kept on flirting with me even though told Demetri off. And even though to this day he still trys.
Demitri and Alec ended up getting into a fight since Alec didn't like Demitri flirting with me. That gave me enough time to make a run for it and I got away cause I masked my sceant and made it impossible for them to find me.
After that encounter I never saw them again that is until the battle that is to come soon. I don't know how to tell everyone who my mate is cause I don't know how they will take it or even trust me to be on their side.
Ugh I really need help but I'm gonna avoid it as long as possible even though normally I never do that. I just have to remember that everything will be alright and I will protect the people who sided with us and also the Cullens.
Even if it's the last thing I do but the real question is will I be able to fight with Alec well I guess we have to wait and see.

(AN: Hey guys I know it's been awhile since I updated but in my defence alot of the chapters that I had done were not their anymore I really don't know why maybe it's because I work on two diffrent devices. Alright I would also like to say Happy 2019 I hope everyone had a good new years and thank you for waiting this long I'm really sorry about that but I hope to get everything figured out so I can Write more chapters also let me know if you wanna have a playlist for the story.)

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