chapter 23

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Today was our final day together before the battle and I've come to realize you don't know what you truly have until its gone. I have my friends who were always their for me when I needed them the most; Charlotte and Peter who I considered as my real family since they've seen me through my best and worst moments. And then theirs Rensemee the little angel that crawled into my heart when I first met her.  I'm extremely happy that Rensemee considers me as a part of her family i'm honestly envious of Edward because he has an amazing life right in front of him. However I still feel guilty that I haven't told him my secret yet because I don't know how everyone will react to it. But I guess I'll have to tell him or I can still hide it from him. Ugh decisions..decisions. Ok let's move on from all this depressing stuff I've got to start practice more with my gifts even though no one has really seen it's true potential. You might be thinking well why does she still have to practice her powers shouldn't she already know the extent of her powers and to be honest i'm still learning about other powers that I have newly discovered. So i'm gonna go and head to the meadow on the out skirts of the woods near the Cullen house  after leaving a note for all the Witnesses and Cullen's to find to let them know that I will be back soon and then i take off to prepare myself for the battle tomorrow. As i'm practicing some of my powers I heard someone behind me and I quickly used my powers to freeze the person where they are at and it even cancels out their powers. I slowly turn around only to find Jane. Now i know what your gonna say Alex run away and don't look back and i'm gonna tell you something... That's the plan. However i'm running away for a different reason which i don't want to deal with right now or ever. I don't know how long i can keep running from my problems.
<<Time skip to the Cullen house>>

As soon as I'm Back at the Cullen's I tried to find Carlisle to talk but I couldn't find him. But he might if gone hunting with his wife however I did find Emmett and started talking to him. After ten minutes of talking it turned into a betting war to see who would win Mario Cart. "Alex I swear you are using your powers to win and that's cheating" Emmett is getting so frustrated from not beating me in Mario Cart. "Emmett I don't have to use my powers to win since I know I'm gonna beat you plus that's not how my powers work." Emmett just glared at me and wanted to go for round four. However before we could start another round the rest of the family came back from hunting or whatever they were doing which had me wondering why didn't they say a word when they left. But whatever me and Emmett just started the final game of Mario Cart and we were both wanted to win because we both love to win and make fun of each other. "Hey Alex" i turned around to see who just called my name and it was the one and only Edward Cullen ugh "yes Edward what do you want" "Alex can I talk to you quickly"? I nodded my head and we walked into the other room to talk "Alex I just want to thank you for what you are doing and i know that i've hurt you when I just left you all by yourself." I didn't know what to say back. I finally thought about what I was gonna say but I wanted to end on a good note since i know nothing can change the past and that everything happens for a reason. "Ya it did suck but the past is in the past plus you have everything a vampire could ever ask for. And i'm actually glad that i came here to help". Edward just smiled and said thank you before leaving the room to grab all the witnesses and told them to get what they need for the battle tomorrow and to go set up camp in the woods near the battle field. After finishing set up camp it was already dark and all of us gathered by the wood in the middle for a fire and I call out "Hey fire bender can you light up the wood so we can get a bonfire going hehe love you Benjamin". Benjamin just laughed at me before lighting the bonfire. A few minutes later after Jacobs lovely comments about us sitting by the fire doing nothing we all started to share war story's that we've witnessed or have been in. "Hey Alex what about you do you have any life story's to share with us?" oh god what do I say it's not like I can say like hey me and Edward used to have a thing then left me broken and I was broken and was a total mess with controlling my powers and other things that people don't know about me except for a few people. "Umm I never did have a long story to tell just the basic human life and I was just at the wrong place and wrong time when I was turned". Now i'm not completely lying to them I was in the wrong place at the wrong time when I was turned into a vampire however I never said by who. However I did lie when I told them that I had a normal human life cause I was always that weird person who would always have a book in her hand in a cafe. Well that was until I met Edward and all that stuff happened. But then I started singing and that got me through everything with the help of friends to get over all the heart break and everything. Edward just looked at me knowing since he knew that he was a big part of my life. However it looks like everyone bought it since I didn't share that much about myself I just shared what I could do with my powers. Every one moved on with more story's until I went into one of the tents and just got lost in old memories for awhile ugh i'm not excited to see him again.... I'm not excited to see my Mate.

(A/N Okay so I know it's been a long time since I have updated. I'm just really busy but i'm still writing chapters this one I wanted to make this one longer and with a huge cliff hanger. On another note omg guys thank you to all of you who are reading, commenting and voting for this book i'm honestly shocked again a huge thank you to you guys. I hope that I can write the other chapter faster than I did to this one. :)

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