Chapter 7. Ben Meets them

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I woke up in a room. The room was green my favorite color. I looked around to see all these games and game systems, this place was awesome.

The man with no face walked into my room. "hello BEN, let me introduce my self, I am the Slenderman but please call me slender if you like. Do you know why your here?" He said. I shook my head no at a rapid speed. "well BEN, your new name is BEN Drowned, your powers are to go through electronics and to be immortal and you are going to be a new killer. " My eyes went wide. ' I was immortal?' I thought. "Yes child you are immortal." he said. " how did you do that?" I asked. "well child, I can read minds and teleport." he stated. I shook my head to let him know I understood. " you will meet the others soon but for now you can get used to being here" then he left. I got up and touched my computer and my hand went through. "whoa." I looked down sadly ' I never told her how I felt' i though as tears rolled down my face .

Your POV~

I was so upset about Ben that I hadn't been eating or drinking in a few days. why did it's happen to him? Why not me? I really miss him. the way his hair flops in his face and how his blue eyes sparkle in the light. will I ever find that feeling again?

Long time no see: BEN Drowned x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now