Chapter 12.

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~Your POV~

(BFF/N) walked through the door. As she did so she screamed and threw her back pack at the murderer. When he got hit he got knocked out. I pushed him off of me and got up. "thanks (BFF/N) " I said hugging her. "no problem (Y/N) " she said hugging back. " who is this guy?" She asked. "I don't know" I said.

~Slenderman's POV~

Jeffery went killing last night and he hasn't returned. I wonder what he is doing. "BEN" I said to BEN through my mind. "yes sir?" BEN asked. "I need you to look for Jeffery" i commanded. "ok, where was his last known coordinates?" BEN asked "he was last seen at (y/a) (a/n: y/a = your address) BEN hesitated at first then he spoke up "will do sir".


I can't believe Jeff had to kill (y/n) best friend. Wait a minute.... didn't (y/n) go to live with (BFF/n)?.... OMG he better not have hurt her!!! I started sprinting as fast as I could to her house. when I got there I looked into her room to see if she was in there. As I looked she wasn't there so I opened her window and climbed in. I went through her computer and look through all electronics in her house.

~Your POV~

Me and (BFF/n) where deciding on what to do with the killer who she said was 'Jeff the killer'. When we where talking I felt a presence other than the three off us. I looked around but saw no one. Must be my imagination...

Long time no see: BEN Drowned x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now