Chapter 9. Cleverbot

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~Your P.O.V~Few days later~
~At school in the morning ~

The other day was strange and everyone has been talking about me falling out of my chair. Every time I walk by people they stare at me and whisper things.

~Time skip to lunch~

As usual I am sitting all alone at lunch. Today we where eating this so called 'meatloaf' but to be honest it looked like animal guts put together. 'I am not eating that' I thought. I took out my sketch pad and started drawing the bloody painter. He is my favorite creepypasta (the drawing above. btw I drew that). As I was drawing Julie came up and snatched it out of my hand. "what do we have here?" She asked. I looked down. "Hey everyone! (Y/n) thinks she is the queen of drawing!" Everyone laughed. I felt tears build up in my eyes. Soon enough I burst into tears. I grabbed my sketch book and ran out of the school and back home (your new home with (bff/n))

~Time skip 2 hours later~

(Bff/n) came in through the door. " (y/n) are you ok?" She asked. "I'm fine" I said. " I just hate my life so much." I said. "Hey don't say that" "but I do my life is horrible" I said holding back my tears. She embraced me in a tight hug where I cried all over her shoulder.

~time skip to night time at 10:40 pm~

I was bored so I got on my computer and went to YouTube. All of the sudden my computer opened a tab on Cleverbot again.


Cleverbot: hey (y/n)

You: what now Cleverbot?

Cleverbot: that's not my real name.

You: then what is it?

Cleverbot: I wish I could say but I can't btw sorry about what happened today at school.

You: how do you know what happened?

Cleverbot: like I said I know everything. well I got to go. Bai

You: bai?

And with that I got off and went to sleep.

~BENS p.o.v ~
'It feels good to talk to her but she has no idea it's me. I miss her so much!!' "BEN!!" I heard Jeff yell. "what?" I said as I quickly closed my computer. "we are going killing. wanna come?" He asked. "nah I'm fine " just as I said that he kicked down my door and said " WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU TODAY?!YOU ALWAYS WANT TO KILL!!" "I'm just not in the mood" I said quietly . he walked over to me and looked me in the eye. as he looked me in the eye he started to laugh. "what's so funny? " I ask. "dude seriously? Ur not going killing because your in love?" He said. I stared at him wide eyed. "how did u know?" I asked barley above a whisper. " I'm your best friend. I know everything about you" he said. I looked down at the ground. "so who is it you like?" "Nun your business" "come one tell me!" "No " "fine then I will just find out my self" after he said that he walked out. 'Ugggg Jeff why do You do this to me?'

Long time no see: BEN Drowned x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now