Chapter 19.

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~your POV ~

~ Time skip to 1 week later ~

It's been about a week since BEN had told me he wanted me to live with him and his family. I mean I wanted to but for freak sake it's a house full of killers!! I was pacing around my favorite spot in the woods. It was so beautiful. Lots of plants and flowers a small pond with a waterfall and a hidden cave behind it. I also built a tree house in one of the trees.

When I was little I came here all the time with my mom before she passed away. I felt tears trying to break free. I got up and went inside my tree house and grabbed my swim suit (it's a one piece). I changed and jumped into the water and swam for a bit till it was getting dark. I got out changed into some PJ's and went to sleep in the tree house.


I woke up to the smell of wood burning. I looked out the tree house window to see the forest on fire. I jumped up and grabbed as much stuff as I could and jumped out. CRACK "AHHHHHHH" I screamed I looked down at my leg to see my ankle twisted in an odd way and a branch stuck in it too. I saw so much blood. I felt dizzy. The world was swirling around me. I pulled the stick out if my leg and took out my T-shirt and wrapped my leg.

I started to crawl as far away as I could until I hit the edge of the forest. I looked around at the empty road ahead of me. "DAMNIT!" I screamed as I saw no cars around. I took my phone out of my pocket and went to Cleverbot. Just as I was about to type I was engulfed in darkness.


I was on Cleverbot looking for my next victim when I saw (y/n) on. "Did she make up her mind already?" I said eager to find out what her decision is. I was waiting for her to type but she never did....

Clever bot: (y/n)?
No response...
Clever bot: (y/n)??
No response again...
Clever bot: (y/n)??!?

I came through her phone to find her passed out with a broken ankle and a huge gash in her leg. I looked around. "OMG the forest is on fire!!" I screamed. I picked up (y/n) bridal style and turned into my human form and carried her to the hospital. When I got there they took her to the ER right away. I looked around and left out the doors.

~Your POV~

I woke up in a white room. I looked around and saw a nurse filling out some paper work. "umm excuse me? Where am I?" I asked "oh your in the hospital sweetie" she said "what happened?" I asked "you where in some sort of situation and broke your ankle and got a stick through your leg" she said. "who brought me here?" "Oh this really nice young man with blonde hair and blue eyes with a green shirt, green beanie, green converse, and black pants. 'BEN brought me here?!?' "Do you know where he is?" "No I don't sweetie he left about 2 hours ago" I looked down as tears streamed down my face. 'Ben come back' I thought.

~ clockwork

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