Chapter 8. ~Weird day~

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Your POV~

I sit in the cafeteria all alone, just sitting there. "RING RING" the bell rung ' time for technology class' I thought. I sighed. 'this was mine and Bens favorite class ' I looked down frowning.

I walked into class and got on a computer. As I was on it my screen flashed black. "ahhh!" I fell back off my chair. Everyone in class looked at me with a 'dafuq' look and started to laugh. I nervously got up and sat down. My computer opened up a tab called Cleverbot .

Conversation ~

Cleverbot: hey (y/n)!

You: how do you know my name?

Cleverbot: ...

You: answer me!

Cleverbot: I know everything about you...

You: that's a little freaky.... Your just a robot .....

Cleverbot: I wish I could tell you but I have to get going.... By the way you look nice today ;)

You: uh thx? How do you know what I look like?

Cleverbot: just saying... Ya know...
To be nice. WELL I GOTTA GO BYE!!

The screen then goes back to the original web page. ' that was weird ' I thought.

Long time no see: BEN Drowned x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now