Chapter 1

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A/N: It took me a while but I finally am writing a sequel. I hope you enjoy this as much as the first >~<


It's been about two months since Wilson and Catherine have been out of my life and my bank account. It kind of feels lonely without them... now who am I going to go to try and ruin. Gosh, life is so boring now. Andy has been tutoring me every Monday and Friday, all of the other days I've just been stuck at Vic's place. 

Things with Vic and I haven't really been progressing. He's sweet and all, but we don't really have a relationship. With every little thing he does for me, I end up liking him much, much more. Sadly, I don't think he even remembers what happened on that day two months ago. It actually bugs me that he hasn't mentioned anything about it. 

Hayley hasn't really been talking to me lately. I might have let it slip that I liked Vic and well, I'm guessing that she started to like me back when we pretended to date. My one and only friend wants nothing to do with me now. It doesn't even matter that I'm Kellin Quinn Bostwick, one of the richest kids from London... I'm lonely! 

In the midst of me sitting on my bed listening to music and thinking about life, I hear the elevator ding. Maybe Vic's back from whatever the hell he's been doing. In reality, I don't leave my room... there's not much to do around here. "Kellin?" Vic asks opening the door and walking in without knocking, rude. I take a headphone from out my ear and glance at him. "Do you have a minute?" 

"Uh, sure." I respond, sitting up. "What's up?" 

Vic sits at the end of my bed and glances around. "Well, I made a few calls this morning, go some things arranged and..." he pauses for what I assume is for dramatic effect. "You're going to school." 

I stare at him, blinking a few times every now and again. School? He means the deepest part of hell. School is boring, full of dumbasses and is a complete waste  of my precious time... not that I do anything, anyway. I groan. "I don't wanna go back to school!" 

"Too bad." Vic says sternly. "I can't have a seventeen year old sitting around my house doing nothing but listening to music and staring at the ceiling all day." 

I put a hand to my chest pretending to be hurt. "Wow, that hits home, man." I joke, knowing there really isn't any way I can get out of this. I would have to do this for one year, and I can move back to London and take over the family business. "Whatever, I'll go. But you have better have gotten me into private school, or so help me." I glare at him and he laughs.

"I can't just send a rich kid from London to public school. Why do you think I was gone since ten?" I glance at my phone, it's three in the afternoon. Wow, he must have been putting a lot of effort in to find a school for me. Smiling I tell him thanks, he pats me on the head like a little kid then gets up to leave my room. Just as he reaches the door he turns back to mention, "You start tomorrow, so I'm waking you up at six." Then, he leaves... great.

Hey, did I ever tell you that I hate waking up early? Well, I do, especially when I go to bed at two in the morning to be rudely awakened at six. What was I doing at two in the morning, you ask? Well, you see Hayley finally wanted to have a real conversation, so we talked all night. But let me tell you, four hours of sleep sucks... a lot.

"You ready for your first day of school, kiddo?" Vic says enthusiastically as I climb into the car. I shoot him a glare. Is he serious? I can't tell you how much I want to rip my hair out just from the thought! "Come on, wasn't your high school in London fun? Don't you want to go back and make friends?"

"I don't know how things were when you were in high school, but no high schooler wants to go to school." (If you do, then you're weird and I don't like your cheeriness). I sigh and lean my head against the window and close my eyes. Might as well catch up on some sleep before I get there.

It feels like five minutes when Vic wakes me up. "We're here. Get out." He says. 

"Well shit, trying to get rid of me already? I know I'm annoying but come on." I smirk. Vic rolls his eyes unlocking the car doors. What I'm about to ask might be risky, but still, it's worth a shot. "Hey, can I get, like a good luck/bye kiss... please?" In my defense, it's been two months since he's shown any kind of affection towards me. 

Vic sighs and leans forward. I think he's going to kiss me on the lips, but instead he pecks my cheek. "Now leave. Have fun at school." I reluctantly get out and walk down the path that leads to a huge green campus filled with tress, bushes, and students. You'd think I was in college, but no, this is just a normal private school. 

First and second period go by extremely slow. I did however have girls all over me asking questions, and what my family is famous for, where I'm from, stupid stuff like that. Too bad they don't know I'm gay... actually it's not too bad. I'm sure half of them would try and make me their 'gay best friend' that would just be annoying as hell. Well, not it's time for third period, AP English.

I push past the kids in the hallway and make it to the AP English room, which at the moment it relatively empty except for one guy sitting in the back of the room with headphones in. He has slick black hair, and a soccer jersey on that says ROJAS 7 in green. Well, I guess since he's the only person here right now, I should at least try and talk to him. I take a seat next to him, making him look at me and pause his music. "Hey. Haven't seen you before. My name is Kevin." 

"I'm Kellin." I respond back.

"So, I take it this is your first day here?" I nod. "Well, this place is alright I guess. The girls are hot, but annoying. The guys only care about money and sports, and the teachers don't really care, except for this one. But he teaches well and is funny, too. Anyway, what are you into? Sports and music wise."

"Uh well, I don't really play sports, but in the music department, I love classic rock." Kevin smiles. 

"Ayye! Looks like we got some something in common. If you couldn't tell, I play soccer. Number one on the school's team." He says proudly. Before I could respond, students file into the room and start to make noise. "What do you have after this?" 


"Same!" He blurts out happily. I find an instant connection to him, Kevin feels like a pretty chill guy. 

"Okay everyone, we're going to start the class now." The teacher says. At least I know this class won't be boring.

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