Chapter 2

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Andy sits beside me looking over my homework. I watch him as his eyes scan the page, a sudden frown crosses his face. "Kellin, half of this is wrong." He says placing the papers on the coffee table. Andy can't blame me, Chemistry isn't the easiest subject for me. "You started school a week ago and you're not doing the best. You're barely passing."

I shrug. "As long as I pass, I graduate. I graduate I get the rights to the company. That's all I need." I tell him casually. No biggie, I don't have to go to college. So I might as well strive for the minimum. 

"Kells, that not a good way to live." Vic says coming out of the elevator carrying groceries. "You should try and do the best you can." He shakes his head as he walks into the kitchen to put things away. I swear, Vic is part mom sometimes. He's on my ass about everything.

"Victor, if you want. I could give him lessons on the weekends too. No extra cost, it's on me." Andy calls. I hear things open and close in the kitchen and then Vic appears into the living room. 

"Really? That'd be great!" He smiles. 

"Hey! Hey! Where's my say in this?" I complain. "I don't want to give up my weekends for you. I have friends I'd love to hang out with, you know." Well, in all fairness the only friend I have right now. Kind of upsetting but what can I do about it. The girls are still all over me, a lot of the guys don't like that, and it's not like I can say 'sorry that I'm gay and I still get more pussy than you' I kind of want to live to see graduation. Actually, now that I think of it... that would be a hilarious way to come out. I think Kevin would laugh his ass off after hearing that. 

"Nope. I'm your guardian, too bad for you. The only say you get is in the clothes you wear." Vic says adding a little laugh at the end. I give him that really stare. "Anyway Kellin, I'm exhausted so you can order pizza or something. I'm going to sleep." With that being said, he went straight to his room, opened the door, and closed it behind him.

So now I'm stuck here. Alone. With Andy.

I turn to him, "Buy me pizza." I say.

"You're the rich one, buy it yourself." He responds gathering his things. "Tell Vic to call me. Outside of business, I'd love to get to know him. He seems like a pretty cool guy." Andy gets up from the couch. "I don't know why you treat him so badly." He adds.

Badly? Is this guy for real? I might act like a spoiled brat, but that's just cause he acts like an over protective parent. "Whatever." I mumble, not wanting to get into an argument about my behavior. 

"Okay, I'm going to go now. Don't forget to do your homework." Andy says finally, then heads to the elevator and presses the button. "I'll see you and Vic on tomorrow." The elevator comes and he gets in, presses the button and the doors close once more. I don't know why, but that 'and Vic' bothers me. I'm probably just being jealous, besides, Vic doesn't even like Andy. He likes me, last I remember. Maybe I should talk to him about all this one day, not anytime soon though.

My stomach growls, reminding me that I'm in desperate need of something to eat. I reach for my phone and call the local pizza place and order two large pies, extra cheese (yes, I can eat both).

So this is how I spend my Friday nights. Alone, sitting on the couch while I wait for pizza. Might as well call Hayley. 

"Hello?" She says when she picks up. 

"Hey, Hayley. What's up?"

"Nothing, really. I'm just doing homework." She pauses. "Are you coming back to London anytime soon?" She asks. I don't respond right away. I have to think of a nice way to put things.

"I'm not really sure. Probably when I graduate to see my grandparents. I could pass by your place, too." The line goes silent after I say this.

"I'll go to you then." 


Once again, there's a silence. An awkward one at that, before she says, "My dad wants us to get married, he still thinks we're dating. So he wants me to see you and catch up again. It's been three months since I've seen you, Kellin... I miss you." She admits. That's adorable.

"I miss you too, Hayley. But you know I'm gay. I love you, but as a friend." I say sadly. I really hope she doesn't hate me, although I doubt she does. She likes me, so she can't hate me.

"I know. I know!" She raises her voice in frustration. "And I can't stand it! I want things to be like they used to. When we would kiss and hug and act like a couple."

"But Hayley. That was all an act for my parents. You know that!" I get up from the couch and start to pace around the room. I forgot that Vic is trying to sleep, so I should keep things down.

"For you maybe! Not for me..." She trails off. "Kellin, I love you. Please..." I can hear her voice crack. She's crying, and it breaks my heart. 

Just as I open my mouth to respond, there's a ring on our intercom. "Hayley, I have to go. I'll text you." I say sadly, then hang up. Knowing her, she'd stay on the phone to beg me not to go and beg me to be with her. She doesn't understand that I'm not attracted to girls.

I'm just going to forget about all that right now. I walk over to the intercom and press the button to let whoever is coming up into the elevator. It's only been twenty minutes, this guy is getting a huge tip. The elevator dings about two minutes later and to my surprise I see Kevin holding a pizza. His face shows he's just as surprised as I am.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him. 

"Well, I work, you know." He says handing me the two pies. "That'll be 25.50, by the way." I reach for my wallet and hand him two twenties. He goes to get changes but I stop him.

"Keep the change." He smiles. "I thought you were rich, why work?"

"I'm not. My parents worked their asses off to get me into this high school, so I work now to help them out with tuition." Wow. I would have never guessed that. Looks like some people actually give a damn about their education.

"What time do you get off work?"

"Now. You were my last delivery."

I might as well ask him to stay, being the nice guy I am. "Come eat this with me, I can't be fat by myself." I smile and he smiles back.

"Alright, you got me. But then I gotta leave." So this is what it's like to have friends who actually want to spend time with you.

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