Chapter 3

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"I just don't understand how you can say one thing, but do the complete opposite of it!" I blurt out, causing everyone in the class to look towards the back of the room. "Hey! I don't tell you how to live your lives. Now, go back to learning or something." A couple people giggle and I return my attention to Kevin. This whole situation started when Vic dropped me off this morning. He said bye then gave me a kiss on the forehead, which I didn't like, so I decided to go for a peck on the lips--at least--and he pushed me away. He said he had feelings for me...right?

Kevin looks up at the board for a quick second to see what's going on in class then looks back at me. We're not learning anything interesting anyway, just about the immune system. Common health stuff, ya know?

"Well, my friend. Look around you." He leans in close and puts an arm around my shoulder. "Listen here young one, there are girls all over the place. Half of them were on your dick the first day and would gladly be on it again. Give up on that girl you're thinking about all the time and find someone else." Oh yeah. I forgot that Kevin doesn't know that I play for the other team.

I move his arm from around me awkwardly. "Uh... I'm sorta...kind" I say quietly. Kevin's face doesn't really change though, which means he's not weirded out by it.

"Ooooh! So you're stressing over a guy. Who? Anyone we know?" He asks excitingly. Maybe its more than just a girl's dream to have a gay best friend.

"You don't know him."

"Pictures?" Kevins whispers poking me in the stomach. Reluctantly I pull out my phone and open my gallery to a picture that Vic and I took when we went to the movies. "Holy crap, he's cute!" Kevin says wide eyed. "Definitely don't give up on that." I chuckled silently to myself, see even a straight guy thinks Vic is cute. It has been confirmed I gotta work for that.

"But what am I supposed to do?"

Kevin shrugs. "Beats me if I know. Looks like he wouldn't even notice if you played hard to get." What he's saying is true, because Vic hardly pays attention to me, he's always running around doing something. If anything, he the one who's playing hard to get. I haven't been able to have a conversation with him for a while, which sort of hurt.

I would have told this all to Kevin, but the bell rang making the room that was once filled with hushed shatter burst into conversation. "Oh well, I'll text you when I get home, got work today." He says then pushes in his chair and rushes out of the class and to his final class. Lucky for me I have study hall...which is pretty boring, but it can't be helped.

You'd think I would have just gone home after an hour of waiting, but stupid Kellin wants to wait in the rain so he could tell Vic all about his day. Shockingly, he didn't show. This was the first time he's ever done this, which was kind of a disappointment, but I guess he was busy. Long story short, not only did I wait in the rain for an hour, but I also walked home. Bet you're wondering why I didn't call a cab. Well, you see, I maye or may not have left my wallet at home. And it wasn't until I saw someone get out of a cab in front of Vic's place that I realized they charge AFTER your ride. Good job, Kellin!

The elevator ride up was full of me thinking about what I was gonna ask Vic. I found that I had every right to question (and be mad at) him. I found him and Andy laughing at the TV while drinking coffee. Neither of them even noticed that I had came home. "Well isn't this perfect." I said sarcastically, grabbing their attention. "Oh no, continue. I was just wondering if you forgot to pick up your responsibility--Vic--and your paycheck--Andy!"

After my little part, Vic jumped up as if caught in some horrible act. "Oh my god! Kellin, I'm so sorry! Wait right here." He said running to the bathroom and rushing back with a towel. He started to dry me off like I was a five year old who just got done with his bubble bath. "I just got carried away talking to Andy. He came over early and I completely lost track of the time."

I look at Andy through my soaked, stringy hair. He gives me a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry Kellin, this is all my fault." I shoot him a glare and then he continues. "I guess I'll come back tomorrow after you get out of school. I know now."

"I want you out now!" I didn't really mean to yell this as loudly as I did, but either way it got the job done. Both Vic and Andy looked at me shocked.

"Kellin look I'm so-"

"Just leave!"

Vic removed the towel from my hair. "Now, Kellin please. It wasn't his fault." Vic tries to explain.

"You, just shut up." I push Vic away from me. "You've done enough!" I yell and push past him and run straight into my room.

I'm so tired of the bullshit that people try to throw at me!

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