Chapter 4

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Two days later I'm sick in bed with a cold, thankfully Vic felt guilty enough to let me stay home from school. I didn't feel like going, I'm not really a school type of person, not a straight A--or even B-- student. All I want is to get out of high school so I can go back to England and get a house over there and run the business.

"Knock, knock." Vic says from the door of my room. I take a look at him and roll over, he has the typical chicken soup in his hands. "Come on, Kellin. Can't you forgive me, yet? It's been two days."

I glare at him. I've had it up to here (you can't see it but its super high) with his shit. First he avoids me. Then he forgets about me. And now he wants me to just get over this shit...what?

"Listen here, Vic. We kissed, you've been avoiding me. Why!?" I blurted.

Vic sighed, putting the food on the nightstand. "Look, Kellin. What happened then...was a-"

Not letting him finish, I cut him off "Don't say it was a mistake. It was NOT a mistake. You and I kissed. Your lips, were on mine. Mistakes and regret are two different things..."

"It was not a mistake, then. And no, I don't regret it. I just forgot for a second how young you were compared to me. It isn't right."

I suck my teeth. "Just leave. It was wrong to like me for even a second, I get it now. Just leave."

"Kellin that's not what I mean."

"Leave!" I yell, choking back tears. That hurt. I didn't know that is how he felt, and no amount of explaining can justify what he just said...

Reluctantly, he left. Thankfully he closed the door behind him, because for the next couple hours I would be bawling my eyes out.

"Damn, he really said that to you?" Kevin asked. I nod. Was it really that hard to believe that this beautiful face would get rejected? I guess it really is, huh?

With a small shrug I say, "yeah. It's whatever, no big deal it happens."

Kevin shakes his head. "It happens, but you two live together, don't you? It sucks that you are gonna be seeing him for the rest of your life. It's super awkward."

"Not the rest of my life. Just until 18, then I'm going back to England."

"Noooo!" Kevin yells dramatically (he is such a drama queen). "You can't leave me, you're loaded and I haven't gotten Fallout 4 yet." He jokes making me laugh and lightly punch him. Kevin was a douchey jokester, I loved it, but sometimes he could take it too far.

I feel my phone vibrate and look down at it. Its a text from Vic, basically saying he can't pick me up because something came up. What a dick nugget, he's just going to avoid me again. Coward.

The bell rings and study hall is over. Thankfully too, I do absolutely nothing during that period, mostly because it's the end of the day, but that's not the point. It's mainly because Kevin is in my class, and you can't have two people with similar names in the same class, especially if they're good friends, won't do anything for anyone.

"You wanna chill?" Kevin asks gathering his books into his bag.

As tempting as it sounded, I couldn't. "Can't, I have tutoring." Kevin looks at me funny. "Hey, not everyone can be so smart that they only take AP courses and do well in them, some of us struggle, Kevin." I say in an obviously fake tone. We both laugh.

"Well then, I'll be seeing you. I have a date with a few amazing guys today."

He peaks my interest, Kevin is more of a girl kind of bi person. "A few guys?"

He laughs, "Washington and Benjamin."

"Oh wow! You're going to work. Then why ask to hang out?"

"There is such a thing as skipping, gosh Kellin. Get with the program. Anyway, see ya." He says leaving. At this point, everyone had left the room and I'm the only one left, might as well start calling a cab.

You would be surprised how fast a cab comes when they know you're filthy rich. I got home in about thirty minutes, which wasn't bad.

I get to the building, make small talk with the guy at the desk and then hop into the elevator, humming along with the feint music that's playing and wait. The elevator is slower than usual, because people are coming in and out of it, luckily Vic's house is the top floor, so no one rides up there with me, and I'm glad because they would have been in for a treat.

As the door opened into the penthouse, I saw Vic and Andy making out on the couch.

"So this is what you meant about 'something came up.'" I say loud enough yo stop their kissing. Vic looks at me with utter panic.

"Kellin it's not what you think," he pleads, running to the elevator, but as I saw him start to get up I pressed the first button and smashed the closed door one.

I can't believe I fell for a guy like that.

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