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These infections can settle in without your even realizing it. To be on the safe side, says Dr. Rich of Oregon Health & Science University, you should periodically remove any polish and inspect your fingers and toes. "Fungus is contagious and can spread from one nail to another - and even from nails to skin," she explains. "These infections aren't dangerous, but they can be painful and unsightly." What to know:

Humid places are fungus favorites, which helps explain why sweaty shoes and socks make toes more susceptible than fingers. Fungal nail infections account for about 50 percent of all nail disorders, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. Untreated athlete's foot and nail injuries can also make you prone to infection.
Warning Signs
Your nail is thickening, yellowing, crumbling, or lifting from its bed (as if it's about to fall off).
The bad news: "Since the infection occurs under the nail plate or in the nail bed, successful treatment will take several months or more," says Dr. Rich, who suggests trying prescription oral medication (like Lamisil). For new or mild cases, a topical medication may help.
Wash and dry your feet thoroughly. Keep your shoes on in public places. If your feet sweat a lot, change your socks often.

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