Facial hair removal: potato &Lentil part 1

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Dried lentils make it easier for your hair to be pulled out while potatoes have natural bleaching properties that help lighten your remaining hairs and make them less visible.
This method is suitable for all skin types, but if you have dry skin, don't forget to use moisturizer after applying the mask.

Step 1: Soak 1 cup of yellow lentils in water overnight.

Step 2: In the morning, run the soaked lentils through a food processor to crush them into a thick paste.

Step 3: Peel 1 potato and mash it through the food processor as well. Take a sieve and pass the crushed potato through it to extract as much potato juice as possible.

Step 4: Mix the potato juice with the lentil paste, and add 1 tablespoon of honey and lemon juice each to the mixture.

Step 5: Apply the paste to the affected areas and let it sit for 20-30 minutes.

Step 6: Once the mask is fully dry, remove it with your fingers. The paste will fall off, taking your unwanted hair with it.

Note : Repeat 1-2 times a week.

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