New Greenie

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"You remembered something?" Minho asked Davina as they were running back to the Glade.

"More like someone." Davina said as she looked over at him. "It was a boy and we were a few years younger. I think we might have been together."

"Like a boyfriend?" Minho raised an eyebrow. She nodded. "Sure it wasn't me? Maybe kiss me to find out." he puckered his lips and she pushed his face away.

"No. I'm pretty sure I'd remember you're ugly face." She smirked.

"Worth a shot." he shrugged.

"Anyways, back to me." Minho rolled his eyes at her. "I can't remember his name but it was like images of us together. Like holding hands and cuddling and stuff."

"Oh god. You don't cuddle with anyone but Newt." Minho said. "This guy must be important."

"I think he was." Davina nodded. "But I can never remember his face or his name so I have no clue who he is."

"Well, maybe you should tell Alby." Minho shrugged.

"Eh. He'll probably think I'm going insane." Davina said before Minho started speeding up. "Hey, shuckface! Get back here!"

"Gotta get home before dinner!" Minho called over his shoulder. "Hurry up slowpoke."

"My body is on fire." Davina groaned.

"Fine." Minho turned and picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder and started running again.

"Okay, just because I'm tiny doesn't mean you can treat me like a sack of potatoes!" she exclaimed.

"Whatever you say." Minho ran through the doors and into the glade. 

They saw Chuck standing there with a new guy. "Hey bubba!" Davina called to Chuck.

"Hi Vina!" Chuck greeted. The greenie was too busy staring at Davina who was still on Minho's shoulder.

"New greenie?" Minho asked. "How's it feel to be promoted?"

"Feels great." Chuck said.

Davina looked at the greenie and as there eyes locked it was like everything around them faded away. To her, he seemed familiar and to him she did too. She quickly shook her head and furrowed her brows.

"New greenie is hot." she smirked. Minho smacked her thigh. 

"Shut up."


Davina was sat on a broken log eating bread when she heard shouting. She looked over and saw a bunch of Gladers gathered around the entrance to the maze.

She shoved the bread in her mouth and ran over.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys!?" she heard the greenie exclaim.

 "Just calm down alright." Newt told him.

"No. Why won't you tell me what's out there?" Greenie asked.

"We're just trying to protect you man." Alby said.

"It's for your own good."

"You guys can't just keep me here." Greenie looked at them.

"We can't let you leave!" Davina raised her voice and everyone looked at her including the greenie. He stared at her for a second before snapping out of it.

"Why not?" 

Before anyone could answer the sound of the doors closing boomed throughout the glade. Everyone looked away as a gust of wind blew towards them. 

"What the hell?" the greenie mumbled. The doors began closing and he just stared at them with a shocked expression. The doors finally closed and Davina sighed.

"Next time," Gally turned to the Greenie, "I'm gonna let you leave." he walked past Davina but not before getting a smack on the head.

"Welcome to the Glade." Alby said to the Greenie.


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