2 (short chapter)

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After everyone escape the... thing... they had to tell they're parents about the horrible danger.

The other young ones were taken back to their parents so they can get out of danger.

After Kulu, Lexon, and Cobalt finally got home in their somewhat small house they sat on the couch.
Cobalt quickly got the first aid kit and put bandages on his neck wound. Cobalt huffed at the pain a bit, then Lexon put a hand of Cobalt before speaking.

"Cobalt, are you ok?" Lexon asked. Cobalt turned his head slightly before responding.

Cobalt: "I...I guess so..."
Cobalt then looked at Kulu was worried, that is when the cat looked at the puma.

Kulu: "where... is our dad now...?"
Cobalt just said.
Cobalt: "he said he moved, he will visit us soon when he has the chance."

Cobalt was about 20 years old so he was old enough to take hair of both Kulu and Lexon, Cobalt still had the bandage on his neck. He suddenly stood up and went near the stairs.

Cobalt: "ok guys, you can watch TV or do something... I'm going to bed."


After a little bit, Kulu was asleep on Lexon's lap. Kulu snored quite loudly, Lexon was watching TV, it was on the news channel. It was talking about what the creature was in the forest. Could it be... the creatures Cobalt was talking about before?

Lexon then said in his mind: "don't worry guys, I promise I will protect you both will all my heart..."

Sorry I haven't written anything yet it'd mostly because of me being in school and me being unmotivated. I promise I'll will make more stuff very soon!

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